Prophetic Word: Like The Excessive Parmasan Cheese In Abundance, I Am Pouring my Abundant Rain 4 I Have Come 2 Give Abundant Life Beloved
This is for someone my friend. As I was eating a plate of my spicy chili with spaghetti, anyone that knows me knows I love parmasan cheese and the whole plate could be covered with it lol and I would still want more parmasan cheese. And as I was sprinkling and pouring it on, I heard the sound of rain in the realm of the spirit. And I heard the word abundance and then I heard in the spirit Like the parmasan cheese pouring in abundance, I am pouring abundant rain, for I have come 2 give abundant life beloved. [Deuteronomy 28:12 | Psalm36:8]. Thankyou Holy Spirit Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. You have been the tail long enough each season and now that you're in alignment in covenant diligently seeking Him, you're becoming the head. You are the head not the tail beloved. Speak Holy Spirit. When you mean business with God, he means business with you and then comes elevation because God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.[Hebrews11:6] Speak Holy Spirit because you put the hard work in which doesn't go unnoticed, you take the time 2 get to know him and the closer you are 2 him the more favor you will have with him and with man.[Proverb3:4] Speak Holy Spirit because you grow in stature in wisdom. Because you're a new man and new creation. The heaven 2 give the rain unto thy land in his season speak Holy Spirit. God's blessing is falling like rain in abundance for his faithful children because the blessing of the Lord maketh rich and he addeth no sorrow with it.[Proverb10:22] Speak Holy Spirit. The table God is preparing is lavish and full of abundance.[Psalm23:5] The blessings are falling like rain in abundance like the rains that came down with Elijah the prophet and they were all shocked and fell 2 their faces. Speak Holy Spirit. Money itself is a commodity, it isnt evil or wicked but the love of money is the root of all evil beloved. Speak Holy Spirit. To whom much is given, much will be required[Luke12:48] yeah we want the blessing, the wealth & the gifts but how do we steward it well and are we responsible with it. Speak Holy Spirit. I don't know who this is for baby but If you want the abundance of blessing 2 pour like rain you still gotta put up with the mud [trials] that come your way.
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