Prophetic Word: Not Everyone Who Professes 2 Be Your Friend Or Christian Really Is, Satan Transforms Into An Angel Of Light Beloved
This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit 2 what looked like friends at first glimpse sitting at a table in a restaurant and one of them went 2 use the restroom while the other one slipped some kind of a powder & pill into a cup and when she came back, she passed out from it and a waitress noticed this & then when she woke up, the other girl was gone and left & the cash was missing from her wallet which was in her bag hanging on a chair and so was this expensive shimmery necklace. And then I heard in the spirit beloved not everyone who professes 2 be your friend and christian is your friend and a Christian, they are of their father the devil instead.[John8:44] Be vigilant because they pretend for Satan himself transforms as an angel of light beloved.[2Cor11:14] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Not everyone is a friend even when they smile around you and act generous and then go steal your necklace or backstab & lie on you with gossip. Speak Holy Spirit. Walking away from toxic is not selfish its godly wisdom and you don't have to put up with friends like that because thats not a friend or so called christian person God would want in your life beloved.[Matthew10:14] There are ppl who call themselves friends and they would never say they want you dead from their lips but in their heart, they have other intentions. Speak Holy Spirit. There are ppl who call themselves Christians but then target the chosens and attempt witchcraft and gossip about them & think they can get away with it.[1Chron16:22] Speak Holy Spirit. Ppl pretend and it is crucial baby 2 have grace 4 discernment in this hour and in places discerning spirits. Red flag if they are hateful and jealous. Be harmless and doves and wise as serpents.[Matthew10:16] Speak Holy Spirit. They worship God with their lips but their heart is far from Him.[Matthew15:8] The girl was never her friend. She was a demomic assignment Satan was using 2 harm her & used her 2 do it. When she popped that toxic substance into her cup when she went 2 the rest room, that's when Satan entered in, just like Satan entered into Judas[Luke22:3] and demons into the man of legion.[Mark5:9] Speak Holy Spirit. I don't know who this is for baby but if you are not sure if a person is sent by Jesus or Satan. Kingdom relationship or demonic assignment[John10:10] baby you need 2 fast and pray and get in the secret place out of your flesh and wait 4 God to confirm if it's sent by God or Satan and if there's a motive in this person and what's really in them. Stay safe my luuvs, and if you still don't know. Pull away from them and fast again and wait til God gives you signs and confirmation.
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