Prophetic Word: Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice Beloved, 2 Get Exceedingly More Abundantly Like Abraham, You Gotta Be Willing 2 Change Geographical Locations

 This is for someone my friend. When I woke up I immediately heard in the spirit obedience is better than sacrifice beloved coming out of the realm when my eyes opened & then I went into a vision & saw in the realm of the spirit someone at a job interview in an office but then someone else got this job instead. So she was really disappointed & waited.& then got a phone call 4 a different job with better pay & she had another option but she didn't know that the Lord had something even better than the 1 she wanted, but would require her 2 move & change locations & she wasn't will willing 2 do it so she turned down the offer, hung up the phone, threw it, weeped, closed the door & then the vision ended. & then I heard in the spirit 2 receive more than u ask 4 or expect[Eph3:20] it will require changing geographical locations & u have 2 be willing 2 give up relationships, comfort zones & old attachment 2 places because obedience is better than sacrifice beloved.[1Samuel15:22] Thanku Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. The girl closing the door refusing the offer missed an opportunity 4 elevation cuz she refused 2 move 2 another location. uncomfortable first cuz it's new & different & u just don't know what's next. But God is going b4 u ordering your steps.[Psalm37:23] Speak Holy Spirit. God told Abraham 2 leave the land & go 2 this 1 instead where his blessing would act cuz he was where God wanted him. Speak Holy Spirit. Abraham left Ur, in Mesopotamia, cuz God called him 2 found a nation in an undesignated land that he turned out 2 be cannan. Speak Holy Spirit He obeyed unquestioningly the commands of God, from whom he received repeated promises & a covenant that his seed would inherit the land cuz obedience is better than sacrifice beloved & Abraham was blessed.[Gen12:2]God made his name great & made him a great nation all because he went where God wanted him. Speak Holy Spirit Ruth took the opportunity & left Moab with Naomi & went to Bethlehem & met Boaz & he took notice of her & she found favor him.[Ruth1:22,2:4] Speak Holy Spirit. Moses growing up left Egypt 2 the land of Midian eventually discovering he was not who he thought he was when the egyptians raised him & no longer referred himself 2 as Pharoahs daughters son as an egyptian. Speak Holy Spirit it was all strategic, although Moses could have died since a baby if he was not hidden in a basket, God was watching over him. Eventually, Moses had 2 leave Egypt 2 fulfill God's plan because when Moses was identified as a young egyptian infant, he didn't know he was called & already chosen. Speak Holy Spirit but he had 2 go 2 Midian first 2 have an encounter with God at the mountain & the angel of the Lord appeared 2 him as a burning bush 2 fulfill God's purpose & plan[Exodus3:1-2] to answer the prayer of the Israelites cries in slavery in bondage. I don't know who this is 4 baby but obedience is better than sacrifice even if it means changing locations because there are different realms & dimensions 2 take u 2 the next level of favor & blessing & God's plan is 2 prosper you not harm you 4 an expected end[Jer29:11] setting you up 2 win but u gotta go where God tells you 2 and when. 




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