Prophetic Word: They Didn't Know You Were The Predestinated Chosen Seed Beloved, The Dirt On Your Name Grew You Instead
This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit flower seeds and plants and succulents that a person was planting in the dirt and watering them making a large flower bed. And then I heard in the spirit the dirt on your name grew you beloved. They didn't know you were a chosen seed instead.[Matthew22:14]The Word is the seed[Luke8:11] and the chosen one is is a predestinated seed of God beloved and when the predestinated seed is watered by the washing of the Word[Ephesians5:26] it germinates the seed and beins the growth process. Speak Holy Spirit. Who is this for my friend. Seeds need both moisture, dirt and air 4 germination 2 grow, live and awaken. Speak Holy Spirit. Seeds wouldn't grow, survive or live if they weren't planted in good soil that it needs 2 produce photosynthesis. Speak Holy Spirit. 2 transform water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide into oxygen which are actual sugars that the plant uses as fuel 2 grow within.[John15:5] Speak Holy Spirit because without the dirt how can your name grow when it has no blessing of foundation for announcement. Whoo!! [Psalm23:5] Because good seed 2 dirt contact is very crucial for growth and important. Seeds must germinate for gardens to exist. speak Holy Spirit. Germination is the process a seed goes through when it wakes up from its dormant state and starts to grow and when the washing of the Word[Eph5:26] geminates that seed my God speak Holy Spirit. The seed starts 2 take off in growth and acceleration. I don't know who this is for baby but embrace the mud & dirt ppl have thrown on your name[John15:18-19] because without the dirt, the chosen seed wouldn't grow, blossom and germinate. Speak Holy Spirit And they didn't know when they threw dirt on your name that, that seed would break, Whoo!! out of the dirt when it germinates and God would turn things around[Romans8:28] and flowers would grow out of your name and bloom and blossom with fragrance one day in Jesus Name.
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