Prophetic Word: Those Friends May Be A Judas Beloved, So Be Vigilant

 This is for someone my friend. I heard in the spirit who you go out with is not necessarily for you. Those friends may be a Judas so be vigilant beloved.[Mattew26:15-16] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. There are many guys and girls that are disguised as a judas who will betray you and leave you broken. Judas looks for an opportunity to betray Jesus, so he will look for an opportunity with intentions. Speak Holy Spirit Not everyone is for you, Judas had supper with Jesus. But that doesn't mean every guy and every girl who goes out with you is for you beloved. Speak Holy Spirit because satan himself transforms as light [2Cor11:14] so be not ignorant of his devices.[2Cor2:11] Speak Holy Spirit. They don't have your best interest at heart and they only want what you can give them. Speak Holy Spirit The spirit of Judas is money hungry and look where that got him so be vigilant because it may be the only reason they stick around beloved. Speak Holy Spirit. Watch out for Delilah & Jezebel in men and women 2 that Satan will send you way 2 try 2 destroy you by them.[John10:10] Not everyone is a Ruth and Boaz and kingdom relationship. speak Holy Spirit but you gotta have the spirit of discernment my luuvs so you can see right through them.[Matthew10:16] I dont know who this is for baby but Judas had supper with Jesus and betrayed him with a kiss so not every kiss means they are in love with you or they are for you beloved cuz those ppl may be just disguised as a Judas that Satan enters in yet 2 only leave you hurt & broken so baby be wise & vigilant. 




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