Prophetic Word: Without The Crushing, There Is No Oil Beloved, U Will Go Thru Brokenness & Tribulation But My Peace I Give Unto U Not As The World Giveth
This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit an oil press. And then I heard in the spirit everyone who wants the annointing will be crushed for the oil beloved, you will go through trials and tribulation but my peace I give unto you not as the world giveth.[John14:27] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Without the crushing of grapes there is no new wine which represents the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Without the crushing, there is no oil which is the annointing and the spirit of God beloved. Speak Holy Spirit without the crushing of flowers, there is no fragrance. There is no character without trial and tribulation, pray without ceasing and rejoice through it [Romans12:12] So when you get crushed and pressed down, beloved, the oil comes from it. Speak Holy Spirit Your annointing is expensive beloved, you've been lied on, thrown around, crushed, pressed squeezed til the old man was dead and then God poured oil on your head Whoo!! [Psalm23:5] Speak Holy Spirit. Without the crushing, there is no oil beloved. There is a cost for it and following Jesus. But when oil falls fresh on your head Speak Holy Spirit. and a deeper relationship, there is nothing quite like it and the cost for the oil is all worth it. Speak Holy Spirit. If we're gonna recieve the oil on our head and annointing on us beloved, we're gonna go through everything Jesus did. My God speak Holy Spirit[1Peter5:10] when Jesus was in the garden, Gethsemane in Greek means oil press. Speak Holy Spirit. Jesus wasn't just broken hearted and crushed, he was literally beaten pierced with a crown of thorns on his head. His blood his death was for our sins for forgiveness & redemption.[Ephesians1:7] Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved maybe it's a crown of thorns of persecution on your head. Maybe there's been some piercing and brokenness my luuvs but the oil comes from it. Whoo!! [2Tim3:12] There was a price we couldn't pay for our sins, we were in debt but Jesus laid down his life and gave himself for us. His precious blood paid our debt. I don't know who this word is for baby but if you want the annointing you're gonna have 2 go through everything like Jesus did and pay the cost for it, because without the oil press, crushing and brokeness, there's no annointing and oil beloved.
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