Prophetic Word: And You Will Recieve Power When The Holy Spirit Comes On You Beloved & No Evil Can Win Cuz The Wages Of Sin Is Death
This is for someone my friend. I heard the word power in the spirit and then I went into a vision & saw in the realm of the spirit a scene from the Super Mario Brothers movie when Mario and Luigi recieve the super star power and become strong and invincible 2 save the princess. As they fight Bowser & defeat the koopas and him, Peach then shrinks Bowser with a Blue Mushroom and imprisons him. And Mario and Luigi defeat Bowser and save Princess peach and the mushroom Kingdom. And then I heard in the spirit But you will recieve power when the Holy Spirit comes on you beloved and you will be my witnesses.[Acts1:8] And No weapon formed against you shall prosper [Isaiah54:17] not even all the forces of darkness because evil forces can never win beloved because the wages of sin is death[Romans6:23]. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Bowser thought for sure he had the upper hand when he had the superstar and Mario couldn't grab hold of it. Bowser was bitter because he was in love with peaches but it wasn't reciprocated so mario became a threat. But no matter how hard Bowser tried to take out mario and defeat him, no weapon formed against him succeeded. Speak Holy Spirit because mario recieved the super star power that made it impossible for bowser to defeat him. My God speak Holy Spirit because when you reiceve the power of the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Spirit falls upon you beloved and you're annointed, like the superstar did with mario now you have this supernatural strength and hedge of protection because the enemy can't cross the blood of Jesus because you are his, you belong 2 him and that seals you 2 the day of redemption. And The Holy Spirit is on & in you beloved, you can't be defeated, like bowser tried to defeat mario but he never succeeded because the wages of sin is death. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. He threw him into the Abyss and locked and sealed it over him 2 keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended.[Revelation20:2-3] He will be loosed and set free 4 a short time yet but my luuvs the devil is defeated by King Jesus. I don't know who this is for baby but it may look like Bowser and his koopa demons have the upper hand and looks like he already won and defeated her/ him & the mushroom Kingdom But mario defeats him and princess peach imprisons Bowser the dragon and bowser was defeated and King Jesus will imprison Satan & throw him in the lake of fire & sulphur and forever defeat him and those demons. Because upon this rock He will build His church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
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