Prophetic Word: Beloved Bacteria That Attempts 2 Get In Has Intentions Of Making Someone Sick Causing A Throat Infection

This is for someone my friend. As I was dozing, I wasn't fully asleep but it was more of in between the realms and somewhat concsious and I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit first a bulldozer clearing everything out of the way like debris & rubble from this  demolition and then the Lord showed me a vision inside someone's mouth how bacteria was attacking the body and the throat was swollen. I was inside someone's mouth in this vision and the white blood cells were throwing antibodies on them and destroying the building bacteria that was making this person sick. It was clearing the path as the white blood cells gobbled up the bacteria which was causing the vocal cords & throat 2 be so red and swollen. And then I heard in the spirit bad company corrupts good character beloved and bacteria that gets in attempts 2 make the body sick because bacteria has bad intentions and causes infection.[1Cor15:33] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Your body is always at war preventing bad bacteria from getting in preventing you from making you sick and when bacteria gets in, it has a white blood cell army in the immune system defending the body and fighting off the bacteria from making the person sick. Speak Holy Spirit your body is always at war beloved and not just in your immune system but a war between good and evil and flesh vs spirit [Galations5:17] and having the Holy Spirit is like white blood cells that attack the bacteria that gets in speak Holy Spirit it cuts off the bacteria that tries 2 get in because when the Holy Ghost come upon you, the annointing breaks the yoke beloved. My God speak Holy Spirit Whoo!!! [Isaiah10:27] because the same power that raised Christ from the dead dwells within so you become a conqueror in Christ Jesus and bacteria can no longer get in because you can do all things in Christ which strengthenth you beloved.[Phill4:13] and you're protected cuz God fights your battles when you're silent like your body and immune system does when you rest. Speak Holy Spirit. There are many ppl in the body of Christ that have a spiritual throat infection because they have bacteria of bitterness and are always around the ppl that are contaminated.[1Cor15:33] Speak Holy Spirit and then bacteria gets in. The white blood cells are throwing antibodies at it killing the virus. The medicine is clearing the way in the blood stream 2 get rid of it & it is the Holy Spirit fighting spiritual principalities trying 2 get in and make you sick.[Ephesians6:11-12] I don't know who this is for baby but if you hang around company long enough that is toxic, that same bacteria will get in and all it will do is cause a bacterial throat infection and make you sick, so stay away from ppl who are contaminated full of germs and bitterly toxic.




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