Prophetic Word: Beloved I Created You 4 My Purpose But 2 Are Better Than 1 2 Fulfill My Plan & Purpose 4 The Kingdom Cuz A 3 Fold Cord Isn't Easily Broken
This is for someone my friend. Someone really needs this revelation. I keep hearing in the spirit kingdom purpose beloved. I created you for my purpose and 2 are better than one 2 fufill my plan & purpose for the kingdom [Ecc4:9-12] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Finding your ordained kingdom spouse is not about selfish wants. It's not all about the flesh and the gift of sex. Speak Holy Spirit It's not about just comfort and having a companion 2 do life together and a best friend. Kingdom marriages are for the sole purpose 2 build God's kingdom because 2 are better than one when you come together with your gifts. But maturity is key 2 be ready 4 it. Speak Holy Spirit your kingdom spouse will have gifts that will compliment yours beloved. God will join 2 ppl together that have work in unicen for the kingdom. On the same page beloved. Love is great but it isn't the purpose for the kingdom marriage. Speak Holy Spirit For example your wife may be a seer prophet, gift of prophecy in the prophetic see & hear in the spirit and your husband may be a deliverer casting out demons with you or the gift of healings knowlege or wisdom. Whatever it is it you would be a power couple waging war in the spirit for God's Kingdom and helping ppl being a blessing 2 them. And the sole purpose of kingdom marriage is to have that support 2 fufill God's assignments on the earth 2 reach more ppl for kingdom but 2 are better than 1 because when one falls the other picks them up quick speak Holy Spirit and you go pray in the spirit together take authority over the enemy 2 shift. If 2 lie down to gether they will keep eachother warm beloved cuz a 3 fold cord with you 2 and Holy Spirit isn't easily broken. [Ecc4:12] they will defend them they will support father kingdom business if you're fasting that day and isolate with daddy instead of him. Speak Holy Spirit They won't get jealous if the kingdom spouse doesn't get all the love and attention cuz they are about their fathers business. Speak Holy Spirit. They will be proud of them and supportive. She is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her beloved.[Proverbs3:15] but first you gotta be a proverbs 31 woman so you attract an Ephesians5 man so you can create 1Cor13 love that will last forever and in love beloved. Speak Holy Spirit they will get it. Kingdom marriages are just different. What God joined together let no man put asunder beloved.[Mark10:9] They are designed for the kingdom purpose. They are kings and queens who have the mind of Christ and different agendas then worldy random relationships. Speak Holy Spirit. Eve was created for Adam as help mate for God's puropse. And yes God gave the kingdom spouse marriage the gift of love and sex but its not the purpose of a kingdom marriage beloved. If that's all you want then you aren't ready 2 meet her/him[Galations5:16] Speak Holy Spirit You gotta be on fire for God together mindset & Then she/he comes in. seek Him first his kingdom his righteousness and then all things will be added to you beloved.[Matthew6:33] Dont get it twisted, worldy relationships have no idea what it is. They aren't interested in anything but lust, love and sex in the flesh because they have no revelation because if you don't know him then you don't even know God's plan for your life beloved how can you, God won't reveal it 2 you til you seek Him and be obedient 4 his purpose.[Jer29:11] You make decisions according 2 the flesh because you've never walked in the spirit. Keep your mind heart affection on things above[Col3:2] not just things on earth or just marriage 4 sex. Kingdom marriages are powerful my luuvs their status in the realm of the spirit. It's why Satan fights so hard for them 2 never manifest but decieves ppl 2 choose counterfeits instead.[John10:10] Cuz counterfeits will never fufill God's purpose the way intended and it limits that person beloved. I don't know who this is for baby but God created you for his purpose 2 do good works for him and yes 2 are better than 1 but the whole purpose for Adam 2 find his rib & the 2 of you 2 come together as a kingdom marriage is 2 come together 2 fufill God's big plan 4 his kingdom purpose not just 2 fufill the desires of your flesh.
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