Prophetic Word: Beloved I Know You Love 2 Give Gifts 2 Your Kids, So How Much More Your Father In Heaven

 This is for someone my friend. Someone needs this. When I was growing up, it was always in my heart 2 rescue stray cats in secret when I saw them because I couldn't handle seeing them alone & abandoned. And one day I was surprised and noticed one stuck in a hedge of lilacs as if it had been thrown out of a vehicle abused abandoned and rejected. Because something was wrong with its neck. Almost as if a muscle torn from it. It was a winter dark morning and the bus was coming and I didn't want 2 miss it. So I shoved this cat carefully in my backpack and when I got on the bus, I was feeding him. And taking care of it. And then recently another surprise happened. A bunny made our beach her home and she was digging deep holes building a nest on the sandy hills thinking it was a boy so my kids named him thumper but it's a girl who looks pregnant. I took in stray cats and rescued them. I may as well start with dogs and bunnies lol and rabbits. And then I heard in the spirit beloved if ye then being evil know how 2 give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your father in heaven give good things 2 them that ask him.[Matthew7:11] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. The serpent seed nature in humans still likes 2 give gifts 2 ppl and children so how much more will Abba daddy give gifts 2 his born again children when they pursue him.[Hebrews11:6] Speak Holy Spirit like the most beautiful gift of all, salvation and its free 4 those who accept it. But if you love 2 buy boats, pools, hottubs, trampolines etc for the kids how much more does daddy in heaven because no good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly beloved.[Psalm84:11] God is a father of giving surprises 2 his children. Whether it's beautiful sunsets, nature animal related, or blessings unexpected and open heavens giving you abundant life beloved.[John10:10] He knows what you want and what you like cuz you were created by him. We shall eat the good of the land when we're willing and obedient because every good thing 2 enjoy on the earth beloved is for his children.[Isaiah1:19] The best of everything he wants you 2 have it. Because abba daddy loves 2 give gifts and see you propserous.[Jeremiah 29:11] Speak Holy Spirit The best homes, vehicles, locations, Waterviews, restaurants, adventures, wealth transfers whatever it is are only for his children who walk uprightly not for the wicked. Speak Holy Spirit. I don't know who this is for baby but if any earthly parent in this world likes to give gifts to the kids, how much more your Abba daddy father in heaven giving you the desire of your heart [Psalm37:4-5] when you delight in him, when you ask him.



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