Prophetic Word: Beloved Like Rapunzle Their Eyes Are Being Opened And The Blinders Are Coming Off As The Fog Has Lifted

 This is for someone my friend. When I woke up I immediately heard at last I see the light in the spirit and then I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit the scene of Eugene and Rapunzle in the boat on the water singing the song at last I see the light duet and its like the world has shifted. And then I heard in the spirit beloved their eyes have been opened the fog has lifted [2Cor4:4] They now know who you are annointed and chosen for such a time as this[1Chron16:22] 2 carry out your assignment on the earth and fulfill my purpose.[Jeremiah29:11] And the blinders are coming off and they will know who they are[1Peter2:9] and who I am as you intercede for the nations.[Jeremiah1:5] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Many ppl are being awakened as they see light and the world has somehow shifted because you are the floating lantern and light of the world beloved [Matthew5:14-16] and they are receiving revelation because the fog has lifted. Your light is warm and bright and they see Jesus because light consumes darkness.[John1:5] Speak Holy Spirit All those years living in a blur because my ppl are destroyed and perish for a lack of knowledge [Hosea4:6] all that time never truly seeing things the way they were beloved.My God Speak Holy Spirit Because their eyes weren't spiritually opened because spritual things are discerned beloved. But the truth shall make you free [John8:32] when the chains are broken when your eyes have been opened. Speak Holy Spirit All those years outside looking in all that time never even knowing just how blind I've been, you couldn't see it yet because of satans devices but be not ignorant of them beloved[2Cor2:11] because he knows when you see the light, its game over for him like it was for gothel when Rapunzle's eyes were opened and her life was shifted when she realized she was the lost princess. Youre lost and dont know it, youre a prince and princess and you will see yet. Speak Holy Spirit because when you realize you were created by Him for his purpose and you're a royal priesthood and Holy nation[1Peter2:9] your life will shift when your eyes have been opened because the fog has now lifted. The crown belongs to the prince and princess of King Jesus and you will receive your crown when your eyes are opened. I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that you will recieve revelation and like Rapunzle when she realized who she really was, you 2 will know who you are and who your daddy is and your your eyes will be opened. I dont know who this is for baby but once you atlast see the light you cannot unsee it beloved because when Rapunzle realizes who she is, her life is never the same because her life has now shifted when her eyes were opened and it was like the fog has lifted.



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