Prophetic Word: Beloved Like The Wicked Queen Appearing 2 Be A Kind Old Woman Who Gave Snow White The Apple That's Posioness, Satan Transforms As An Angel Of Light Appearing 2 B Harmless
This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit the scene of snow white when the wicked queen disguises herself as a little old lady of kindness with the intent to kill her giving snow white an apple that's poisoness. And then I heard in the spirit Beloved like the wicked queen that appears 2 be a kind old woman, Satan transforms as an angel of light [2Cor11:14] with the intent to steal kill and destroy beloved.[John10:10] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. When Satan wants to destroy you, he will use agents that appear 2 look like an angel of light but working for the kingdom of darkness with the intent to harm you beloved. Speak Holy Spirit because the devil can't do anything so he will send ppl your way that are wicked and you must have a spirit of discernment and be harmless as a dove and wise as a serpent.[Matthew10:16] Speak Holy Spirit because satan roams to and fro seeking whom he may devour[1Peter5:8] with the intent to steal kill and destroy beloved. Ppl will disguise themselves like the old lady as loving kind Christians but then turn their back on them, gossip and and seek to kill you beloved because they are of their father the devil and that is what in them[John8:44] and there is no truth in them. speak Holy Spirit because unless they are born again, they will have a heart of wickedness because the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked.[Jeremiah17:9] I don't know who this is for baby but not everyone is for you like they pretend because there are some ppl that are of the kingdom of darkness and they disguise themselves as an angel of light like the queen that was wicked when she approached snow white beloved but be not ignorant of satans devices[2Cor2:11] because her motive all along was 2 appear innocent with kindness but behind closed doors plotted snow whites death from this apple that was poisioness.
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