Prophetic Word: Beloved The Promise Is Coming Yet, Don't Let The Enemy Plant Seeds Of Deception Taking Matters In Your Own Hands Like Abraham Getting Impatient Waiting 4 It

This is for someone my friend. I heard in the spirit Isaac is still coming beloved. Dont let the enemy plant seeds of deception and take matters in your own hands. Did I not say that it would happen.[Numbers23:19] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. The devil doesn't want you 2 believe God's word when you read it and all the promises, 2 have faith 2 recieve it because the devil knows things begin 2 happen. Because you're in covenant with King Jesus and his blessing & promises are yes and amen.[2Cor1:20] Speak Holy Spirit. The devil knows you will begin to see then because now your eyes are spirtually opened[2Cor4:4] because thy Word is truth and the truth shall set you free beloved[John8:32] and he can no longer fool you with the spirit of deception because the blinders are off and you've upped your game with a spirit of discernment so then he will plant a seed of doubt like Abraham taking matters in his own hands and like eve in the garden spirit of deception because from the beginning the devil was a murderer and he wants 2 uproot the seed of faith you have planted because he's the father of lies and there is no truth in him.[John8:34] Speak Holy Spirit Because the devil knows that God is not a man that he should lie[Numbers23:19] so if you figure it out its all game over him. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. The enemy doesn't want you recieve that level of revelation where you go 2 the next level of faith which takes you to another dimension because the ultimate goal is to steal kill and destroy[John10:10] God's children and anyway he can. But when God makes a promise, that prophecy must come to pass no matter how long it takes beloved.[Isaiah55:11] Now sometimes things get delayed because we were not in position 2 recieve it but when you grow in stature in wisdom, God will put something in your hand. It would be like giving a set of keys to a 2 year old to drive a van. God will never give you something if you're not ready for it but he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.[Hebrews11:6] Speak Holy Spirit and he withholds no good thing from those who walk uprightly beloved[Psalm84:11]and once you get that in your spirit you will begin 2 understand that when you're willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land.[Isaiah1:19] Speak Holy Spirit But what if I told you the devil knows God's word better than you do beloved so don't you think he will do everything he can 2 deter you from believing it and deter you from God's plan for your life and purpose[Jer29:11] because it's a threat Speak Holy Spirit and the enemy doesn't want God's children 2 be wealthy kings queens and priests in the earth walking in kingdom dominion But if God is the truth the life the way then God can't lie beloved. My God speak Holy Spirit He is the truth and what he says will do it, it will come 2 pass no matter what happens because his promises are yes and amen. The devil doesn't want you to believe God's word because he knows it is powerful and active[Hebrews4:12] and God watches over His Word 2 perform it.[Jer1:12] And the devil knows that it is the only book that transforms your life the more you read it, because the more you read it, you are living in it. Whoo!! The Word of God transforms you by the renewing of your mind beloved[Romans12:2] because you are created in God's image and his likeness and so the devil will do everything he can 2 put doubt in your heart and spirit. I'm prophesying. I don't know who this is for baby but Isaac is still coming even if the enemy tells you he isn't, because when God makes a promise, he must do what he said speak Holy Spirit because God does not contradict his word and not fulfill his purpose and go back on a promise because God watches over His Word 2 perform it and the enemy knows prophetically beloved Isaac is still coming yet.




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