Prophetic Word: Beloved When Hope Deferred Gets In & Maketh The Heart Sick, Take Every Thought Captive & Praise Your Way Through It
This is for someone my friend. I don't know who needs this but I keep seeing a tree half alive colorful, vibrant, with fruit on one side of it and half dead with no fruit in a vision in the realm of the spirit and I heard the words hope deferred in the spirit. And then I heard in the spirit beloved hope deferred maketh the heart sick but it is a tree of life when the desire cometh.[Proverb13:12] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Deferred hope is like a dream that seems to drag on and on waiting for something to coem to fruition, the delay of it can be depressing and get you discouraged, and that is why you take every thought captive and praise your way out of that mindset and trust God's timing and trust Him. Speak Holy Spirit because the enemy does not want you 2 praise your way through it but just know he's the God that turns away the captivity of Zion. Speak Holy Spirit He's the God that turns things around[Romans8:28] for the israelites at the last moment and parts the waters beloved. He's the God who goes in the fire with the Hebrew children in the fiery furnace. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. He's the God who goes before you David to slay goliath. What kind of giants are standing in the gap of the hope being deferred beloved. Submit your ways 2 him and slay goliath. Keep the faith and watch Him part the waters to get through it. Speak Holy Spirit when your hope and desire takes a long time 2 come 2 fruition, if you're not careful this is how the enemy gets in[1Peter5:8] and uses it to keep you down and depressed speak Holy Spirit because hope deferred is unrelenting dissapointment that makes the heart sick and you have 2 surrender it, and keep trusting him. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.[1Peter5:10] I don't know who this is for baby but hope deferred is only a temporary season and while you're waiting for your breakthrough and season 2 change beloved, prepare for it take every thought captive & praise your way through it knowing there is a purpose for every season under the heaven and it will only draw you closer 2 him because any broken spirit contrite heart he does not despise beloved[Psalm51:17] and he will redecorate your life in due season with complete restoration and the longing woll be fulfilled when the desire cometh. Shalom, I love you with the love of Jesus.
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