Prophetic Word: Even In Storms I Will Order Your Steps, Keep Walking By Faith Beloved When You Don't Know What's Ahead

 This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit a dust storm in front of a person but they couldn't see anything or what was ahead of them but the person kept walking and eventually it was clear again and then I heard in the spirit beloved even though you do not know what is all ahead, I need you 2 trust me and walk by faith beloved.[2Cor5:7]  Even in storms, I will order your steps.[Psalm37:23] Lean not on your own understanding and acknowledge me beloved and I will direct your paths ahead.[Proverb3:5-6] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. When any storm comes ahead its easy 2 want 2 look back instead but keep going because it's only a test. A test to see if you trust God in the storms you find yourself in. Speak Holy Spirit and we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.[Romans8:28] Speak Holy Spirit. When a storm comes keep walking ahead instead of trying 2 understand it with your flesh. The person couldn't see what was ahead but they did not look back 2 get out of the storm in front of them. My God speak Holy Spirit they kept on going trusting God and submitted 2 him knowing hes got this, he hears the righteous cry and delivers them out of all their troubles beloved. Speak Holy Spirit. When it gets stormy always stay in the spirit and a peace will come upon you that makes no sense.[Phill4:7] Speak Holy Spirit a peace that surpasses all understanding beloved the peace Jesus gives unto you is not as the world giveth whoo!! So let not your heart be troubled or afraid beloved[John14:27] even in the storms ahead. God's got this, you only need 2 trust him. I don't know who this is for baby but if you trust God 2 order your steps, and submit 2 him, you will be just fine when you walk into a storm you can't see ahead because a peace comes upon you my luuvs not that the world giveth.




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