Prophetic Word: I Have Never Walked Away Or Left Beloved, You Need 2 Come Closer So You Can Hear My Voice & The Music & Not Lose The Connection

This is for someone my friend. I bought a waterproof Bluetooth speaker for on the boat, for my loud music on the water so it can get wet but if you don't take the phone or laptop or tablet with, then the Bluetooth loses its connection. And then I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit a person at a lake campground in the backcountry, in the forest, talking on the phone and the phone kept cutting out because something was losing its connection. And then I heard in the spirit. Beloved I have never left, you need to come closer so you can hear my voice and not lose the connection.[Isaiah59:2] Draw near 2 me and intimate and I will draw near 2 you beloved.[James4:8] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Nothing can seperate us from him but how can you hear him when you're to far away and lose the connection. Speak Holy Spirit. Because his sheep hear his voice beloved and they are his.[John10:27] Because the further away you walk, the harder it is to hear cuz it's a weak connection. Speak Holy Spirit. You are 2 far away to be intimate. You are 2 far away 2 hear the music but walk a little closer and the closer you get, the stronger the connection. My God speak Holy Spirit because you are one with him in spirit and spiritual things are discerned beloved. Spiritual things don't make sense in the flesh. And walking away from him only loses the connection through iniquity and sin. [1Cor2:14] Come back to him and you'll hear the music once again. Let him revitalize you and give you deliverance and restoration. Devices like Bluetooth communicate with eacother using ultra high frequency radio waves vibrations. These are electromagnetic waves that use communication. My God speak Holy Spirit so how can you stay connected and hear God if you never communicate with him.[1Thess5:17] And you can't communicate with him because you are operating from your flesh and being ignorant of satans devices[2Cor2:11] and because you are operating from your flesh, instead of your spirit, you can't hear him. Cuz you're using your GPS system instead of his and It's like getting on the boat and losing the connection. I don't know who this is for baby but both devices need 2 be connected for you 2 hear the music and 2 be connected first my luuvs you need close communication because the further away you are from it, you won't be able 2 hear the music and the Bluetooth will lose the connection. 




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