Prophetic Word: I Will Supply Every Need When You Need It And Perfect That Which Concerns You Beloved

This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit a man losing his job worrying about how he was going to make ends meet and make payments, if there was no cheque, but when the man went to check the mail the next weekend, there was an unexpected $2000 cheque, and debt forgiveness and I saw him making job resumes and there was a photocopier and a printer in a room he was in, he got turned down for every job inteterview and he was getting hopeless but then suddenly there was an opening for a job that he always wanted and he was shouting and laughing filled with joy cuz when it looked hopeless, he unexpectedly got that one instead. And then I heard in the spirit, be anxious for nothing beloved but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving[Phill4:6]make known your requests, and I will perfect that which concerns you beloved.[Psalm138:8] and order your steps. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Right when you think you have a problem, God is ten steps ahead already with a solution because He's the God who goes before you and perfects that which concerns his children. Speak Holy Spirit because the Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him. Whoo!! [Psalm37:23] We can be comforted to know that His rod and staff are there to correct and guide us [Psalm 23:4] as God does order our steps as we follow and obey him. Speak Holy Spirit because obedience is key to go to higher realms and dimensions. The man had no job and no cheque coming in but God was perfecting that which concerned him and sent one 2 get him back on his feet til he got the job he didn't expect because he orders our steps. Speak Holy Spirit because he supplies our every need like The Lord sending help 2 Elijah because he was depressed.[Phill4:19] Elijah was being fed by ravens. Speak Holy Spirit. So Elijah did what the Lord told him and went to the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. And Elijah drank from the brook and ate the meat and bread that the ravens gave him.[1Kings17:2] Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Being a strong person of God in the face of adversity does not mean that we will never feel discouraged. Elijah felt alone, didn't understand God's plan and was so depressed he couldnt even eat at moments. When he went into the wilderness, he fell into depression. I don't know who this word is for but baby it ain't over yet. I prophesy that God will perfect that which concerns you beloved and order your steps and provide your every need like he did with Elijah going east of Jordan. And you will get up and keep going forward and get your breakthrough this season yet. Shalom, I love you with the love of Jesus.



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