Prophetic Word: Love Is An Open Door Beloved Because I Am Risen & Ascended Because I Am The Truth, The Way, The Life & The Ressurection
This is for someone my friend. I heard in the spirit Love is an open door from the song from frozen and went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit the couple Anna and Hanz singing this song together as a duet. And then I heard in the spirit. The stone was rolled away from the tomb and I conquered the grave, hell and death because I am the ressurection and the life beloved.[Luke24:2-7] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Love is an open door because Jesus is risen and hes going 2 prepare a place for us in heaven cuz in his Father's house, there are many mansions.[John14:2] Speak Holy Spirit. Jesus went down into hell and took the keys from Hades & death[Revelation1:18] from satan. He overcame all of it. Jesus ascended 2 his father in Heaven and while he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven.[Luke24:50-53] When he left the earth and ascended, he gave us another advocate, the holy spirit [His spirit] so that we would always be with him. Whoo!! My God Speak Holy Spirit because now that same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwells and lives in you beloved and nothing can seperate you from him and you still see him because he is in you and you are in him. Whoo!! The spirit of truth the world cannot accept him because it neither sees or knows him.[John14:16-18] because they are not born of his spirit. Speak Holy Spirit and therefore the gospel of Jesus Christ is foolishness 2 them that are perishing. Because spiritual things are discerned and the carnal man will not understand it if they are not born of His spirit. Yet we were sinners Christ died for us beloved[Romans5:8] and he wants everyone, for it is not God's will for anyone to perish. Speak Holy Spirit. You are redeemed by the blood of the lamb beloved. Ressurection in Greek origin means 2 be raised up or rise again. And one day his bride/ children will be Raptured at ressurection in new glorified bodies and meet Jesus in the air when he comes again.[1Thess4:16-17] I dont know who this is for baby but love is an open door because Jesus is risen and ascended, because Jesus is the the ressurection. The way the truth the life[John14:6] and no man can come to the father but by him.
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