Prophetic Word: They See You As Regal Beloved Because You Are Chosen & My Special Possession
This is for someone my friend. I heard the word in the spirit regal and then I heard it again and I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit the back of someone at a coronation being crowned in a palace and then I heard in the spirit you are being seen as someone regal beloved because of the way you carry yourself, your characteristics as a royal priesthood and representing your father which is in heaven.[1Peter2:9] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. You are being seen as someone peculiar yet regal and elegant as a child of King Jesus because peculiar means strange, unusual, special and regal means fit for a monarch, speak Holy Spirit suitable for a king or queen of notable excellence and royal characteristics. A royal priesthood [1Peter2:9] belonging to or befitting a supreme ruler dignified and majestic. Speak Holy Spirit because you carry all power and authority 2 trample on the enemy and snakes and scorpions and it will not harm you beloved [Luke10:19] Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. You are different and chosen because you are not of the world you are currently in.[John17:16] You are a chosen Holy nation out of the darkness and into his marvelous light beloved.[1Peter2:9] speak Holy Spirit you have your daddy's characteristics and they know you are a joint-heir 2 rule one day on the new earth first becoming more like Him. Whoo!! [Psalm46:6] You are a priest, queen and king in the earth beloved[Revelation1:6] and they see you as regal because you carry grace, and elegance. You stand apart because of what dwells within.[1John4:4] speak Holy Spirit I dont know who this is for baby but if you are a royal priesthood and regal because of who your daddy is, light doesn't fellowship with commoners unequally yoked in darkness that treat you as ordinary common and less. Keep your crown on beloved that you may declare praises unto him because you are being seen as regal as a reflection of your father and representation of Him because you are God's special possession.
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