Prophetic Word: You Are What You Eat Beloved Because What You Eat Determines Your Health & Spiritual Condition
This is for someone my friend. I heard the word digestion in the spirit and then I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit a person overweight depressed and they were eating fast food everyday and pop and chips. And then I heard in the spirit. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God beloved.[Matthew4:4] You are what you eat and what you feed on determines your spirtual condition.[Romans12:2] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. You can choose to eat Fast food everyday such as worldy ways and worldy content or get a proper meal of God's Word for inspirational nutrition which is good digestion for you Spirit because you'll have digestion problems if all you eat is sugar candy and fast food and never living water and daily bread. Speak Holy Spirit You are what you eat beloved just as the body needs food, the soul needs nourishment but what you feed on determines the health outcome and spiritual condition because tour body is at war like a sugar addiction or temptation just like your spirit man is at war with your flesh. My God speak Holy Spirit and the flesh [Devil] argues with your spirit telling you, you should feed on this instead and he will dangle a carrot in front of you like a rabbit with temptation to eat certain foods that are bad for digestion and spiritual condition.[1Peter5:8] Speak Holy Spirit because If you always feed on the world,you won't be hungry for God, you will instead get an upset stomach cuz you can't digest that kind of filth in your spirit.[Romans12:2] Speak Holy Spirit. But you will become like God my luuvs if you feed on his word instead because eating your daily bread won't cause problems of digestion ahead because what you eat is what you become beloved.[1John2:6] Speak Holy Spirit. And Satan comes disguised an angel of light beloved making certain foods look appetizing [2Cor11:14] come on Holy Spirit appealing with colors and flavors and temptation appearing to be so good or harmless tempting Eve in the garden mhm that it doesn't matter if it's nutritious or poisoness for your spirit. Speak Holy Spirit. I don't know who this is for baby but you are what you eat beloved, because what you eat determines your health and spiritual condition.
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