Prophetic Word: Beloved My Blood Is The Payment, You Are Covered Because I Already Paid 4 It

 This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit a cashier at a till and woman pulling out her wallet and she didnt have enough money 2 pay for it, so a man in line behind her stepped up and said don't worry about it, I got it covered and then she smiled said Thankyou and left. And then I saw in the realm of the spirit a vision of a man at a restaurant who ordered more than he intended and underestimated the tab at the end and then someone else covered it and also said don't worry about it. And then I heard in the spirit beloved you're covered cuz I already paid 4 it and you are sealed 2 the day of redemption cuz I paid it in full past present and future sins.[1John2:2] charges against you are dropped, covered by my blood as a payment.[1Cor6:20] I paid the debt beloved, it is finished.[John19:30] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Jesus is the propitiation for our sins which means in Greek origin hilasterion which means covering and lid of the ark covenant. Speak Holy Spirit we are covered. Since Calvary it is finished. Speak Holy Spirit. Once there is debt forgiveness and dropped charges cuz someone else covered it, there's no going back and making another payment. It is finished. And your enemies are fighting God when they fight you beloved with unforgiveness trying 2 bring up charges that were long covered and forgiven[Eph4:32] Speak Holy Spirit and accusation and condemnation is a satanic voice and totally demonic cuz he tries 2 rise against you in judgement the accuser of the brethren. Speak Holy Spirit and when you're walking in the spirit as a new creation, old things have passed away all things become new beloved[2Cor5:17] Speak Holy Spirit therefore he remembers your sin no more and sees you as the apple of His eye, a new creation. Speak Holy Spirit. And no weapon formed against you shall prosper beloved[Isaiah54:17] The woman at the store didn't have 2 make another payment because this man graciously stepped up and offered 2 pay 4 it. Whoo!! Releasing her instead because he had compassion and saw that the woman had no way of making the payment but knew she was in distress because she looked ao frustrated. He could have had the attitude oh well that's her problem. Speak Holy Spirit But instead he showed compassion towards the woman just like someone else did with that man at the restaurant.[Galations6:2] Because it's more blessed 2 give than 2 recieve beloved and for every seed you sow and even in upliftment and encouragement you will reap a harvest.[Galations6:7] Because God gives seed 2 the sower beloved. When you take care of his chosen and help build his kingdom, he will order your steps beloved and build your world more abundant.[John10:10] Speak Holy Spirit because you're using your gifts 2 build his. My God speak Holy Spirit because you give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down and shaken together, running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal beloved, it shall be measured to you again.[Luke6:38] when you bless others, he blesses you beloved. I don't know who this is for baby but the precious blood of Jesus is the payment that you couldn't pay like the woman at the store and man at the restaurant. Jesus already covered your tab and paid the debt, so now you are covered future past and present sins and God will contend with those who contend with you if they don't drop the charges of unforgiveness because just the like the man covering the woman with compassion so she didn't have 2 pay 4 it, we ought 2 do 2 others cuz it's better 2 give and be an example like your daddy cuz he already covered you and made the payment when you couldn't pay 4 it.



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