Prophetic Word: Do Not Take Your Eyes Off Of Me & U Won't Sink Beloved, Don't Be Hesitant Come Into The Deep End

 Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. When I took my kids today for swimming lessons. They were hesitant to go into the deep end yet alone jump off the diving board into deep end. Like their mom, they love the water like little fish who love 2 fish lol and swim. and then I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit a scuba diver below a deep surface in the ocean discovering treasures and secrets in those depths waters that ppl would not go in and then I heard in the spirit come deeper beloved, do not be afraid 2 jump off the diving board going into the deep end [Matthew14:29] I will show you great and mighty things and secrets thou knoweth not beloved. [Jeremiah33:3] do not take your eyes off of me and you won't sink in the deep end.[Isaiah41:10] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Peter was no stranger 2 being out on the water starting out as a fisherman before he was following Jesus and became a fisher of men but when Jesus was calling Peter 2 come off the ship and onto the water with him, Peter was hesitant[Matthew14:27] Speak Holy Spirit and although it was the deep end, he still did come 2 Jesus but his first distraction was when he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the storm instead and the violent winds surrounding him and he began 2 sink beloved. [Matthew14:30] Speak Holy Spirit Because what dominates your thoughts magnifies your focus beloved and what you focus on magnifies what has your attention. Speak Holy Spirit Peter was more concerned about the storms he was seeing beloved because he let the spirit of fear dominate him. My God speak Holy Spirit [2Timothy1:7] because he didnt take every thought of fear captive and focus on Jesus. Speak Holy Spirit Are you focused on the raging storms and violent winds, or would you walk on water go in the deep end with eyes on him.[Isaiah41:10] Speak Holy Spirit Are you focused more on what it looks like above the surface in your situation or are believing by faith [Hebrews11:1] in the spirit that God is working below the surface. Come on Holy Spirit because He will reveal the deeper things[Jeremiah33:3] when we go without fear 2 the deep end. Jesus caught him and commenting on his lack of faith led him back 2 the ship. God's thoughts and ways are higher than ours beloved and you need 2 lean not on our own understanding by what you see on the surface but trust him[Proverb3:5-6] in the deep end of the ocean and focus on Jesus, walking on water walking above all of it walking above the surface. Whoo!! I don't know who this is for baby but if you focus on Him, you will not drown or sink below the deep surface, keep your eyes on Jesus when He calls you 2 come on the water 2 the deep end.



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