Prophetic Word: Unusual Spiritual Warfare Beloved, Keep Your Full Armor On Including The Sword Of The Spirit
This is a prophetic warning 4 someone my friend. And someone really needs this. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit from the Flintstones I use 2 watch as a kid and you know those white bubble things that pop up in those cartoon animations of like one as an angel and then another bubble as Satan. Playing mind games in the head very similar 2 how the serpent did with eve in the garden. That's what I saw in the spirit and this picture of Fred. Satan trying 2 twist what God said. And then I heard in the spirit. Unusual spiritual warfare beloved, keep your full armor on including the sword of the spirit. [Ephesians6:11-12] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. There is a battle for your mind, your heart and soul like there has never been because once you reach a certain level it is now game over for him. So the devil sends his heaviest artillery against the chosen ones[1Peter5:8] and unusual spirtual warfare beloved. Speak Holy Spirit because just like Job, the devil can't break your faith through your own trials and tribulation. So he is getting more desperate. And he had 2 decieve Eve first before humanity could fall and earth temporarily became his domain perverting God's creation.[Gen3:13] Speak Holy Spirit. But I also went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit many getting their breakthroughs and deliverance so satan is fighting them through heart deferred[Proverb13:12] 2 discourage you all so you quit. But my luuvs before the breakthrough there needs 2 be a breaking first 2 happen. Speak Holy Spirit there is always a battle right at breakthrough like Jericho there is a breaking the walls down first before the breakthrough happens.[Jericho6:5] I don't know who this is for baby but the reason you are going through unusual spiritual warfare and it is intense is because Jericho is about 2 fall down and the enemy can't stop it. Its because you are that close 2 it so keep your full armor on cuz your breakthrough is getting close baby and its about 2 happen. Shalom my luuvz. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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