Prophetic Word: Wait 4 The Promise Beloved, Til The Door Opens, Dont Get Ahead & Scrape Your Knees On The Cement
This is for someone my friend. Someone really needs this confirmation cuz someone is getting ahead and needs direction. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit a little boy who was holding his mom's hand and then he saw a park a small distance away in front of him and got all excited, let go of her hand and ran so fast ahead that he bruised and scraped his knees crying on the cement And then I heard in the spirit beloved stay by my side and wait for me 2 tell you when is the next step and be patient til the door opens.[Rev3:8] do not run so fast and get ahead that you scrape your knees cuz you let go of your daddy's hand.[Prov3:5-6] Do not run ahead because I am ordering your steps [Psalm37:23] and I will tell you when it's time and which direction is that next step. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Somebody wants 2 do something with impulse because they are getting impatient like the little boy that can see the park around the corner getting excited. Speak Holy Spirit but if you are not careful you will trip and fall on the cement running so fast getting ahead. Taking the next step before you even have confirmation and which direction. Speak Holy Spirit but the Lord orders our steps and tells us where 2 go and when. Speak Holy Spirit and when we are patient walking in obedience expectant waiting 4 Him, the door will suddenly open. [Rev3:8] all because you didn't get ahead of Him and waited.[Proverb3:5] because obedience is better than sacrifice beloved. Speak Holy Spirit In desperation, Abraham decides 2 take matters into his own hands and have a child with his servant. Abraham’s impatience to have a child led to the birth of Ishmael, the son of Abraham and Hagar beloved and although Ishmael was not the son of promise, God still had a plan for him.[Gen16] Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.[James1:3] But because of Abraham's impatience and getting a head of God and trying 2 receive the promise before it was ready & the door was opened 2 conception. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Don't get ahead taking steps in your flesh out of disobedience. It caused a great deal of consequence for Abraham not listening 2 God and being obedient waiting 4 his promise. I don't know who this is for baby but waiting builds patience and when you get 10 steps ahead, you will fall and scrape your knees on the cement because you leaned on your own understanding & did not wait 4 God and be obedient.
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