Prophetic Word: You Are My Precious Jewel In My Crown Beloved, A Rare Diamond Like Princess Jasmine Who Is Desired By Many Men Cuz Many Are Called Few Are Chosen

 This is for someone my friend. I kept hearing I am not a prize 2 be won in the spirit and I'm like ok Lord where we going with this and then I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit. When Jafar and Aladdin were talking 2 the sultan wanting 2 steal her heart competing 2 win Jasmine and she overhears it and says how dare you. I am not a prize 2 be won. And then I heard in the spirit Beloved many men see you as a prize 2 be won like princess Jasmine, cuz many are called & few are chosen & you are more precious than rubies beloved And all the things thou canst desire are not 2 be compared unto her [Proverb3:15] because you are a royal priesthood, my precious jewel in my crown and a rare diamond.[Zechariah9:16] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Just because you are desired by Jafar or Aladdin or any other man does not mean they deserve Princess Jasmine and are equally yoked with her beloved. [2Cor6:14] Speak Holy Spirit. They don't even walk in kingdom dominion and you think baby you can just wake up one day and change them. Think again. [Jeremiah17:9] Speak Holy Spirit because they are unequally yoked of Jafar and Aladdin are doing witchcraft 2 win her heart out of desperation because the heart is wicked. Speak Holy Spirit. She is more precious than rubies but her value is overlooked by them. And they just want possession of Jasmine because of her royal position. Whoo!! And then Jezebel comes in and tries 2 control the sultan and Princess Jasmine with hypnotism because it a seducing manipulating spirit. Speak Holy Spirit. Jasmine is a diamond but ppl can't tell the difference between fake rocks and the diamond that is genuine in front of them. They don't know a pure heart when they see one. Speak Holy Spirit but the pure in heart shall see God beloved. Men assume Jasmine is every where 2 be found and be replaced instead but many are called few are chosen.[Matthew22:14] Speak Holy Spirit. Because Jasmine is not of this world but of the kingdom instead and no one can ever take Esther's position whose rising 4 such a time as this because vashtis time as expired as God changed the times and seasons.[Daniel2:21] Jafar and Aladdin had a sense of entitlement. They told the Sultan they wanted 2 marry Princess Jasmine as if she had no choice or say in it but nobody asked her what she wanted. They were just selfish &  knew she was a valuable rare diamond because who can find a virtuous woman for her price is far above rubies beloved.[Proverb31:10] The word virtuous in Greek origin in translation is chavil which is used to denote strength, power, or might. They want power Jasmine carries and has in possession. The word price in Greek origin the root of it means reward, prize, value excellence. I don't know who this is for baby but your worth and annointing is 2 expensive for unequally yoked obsessive men & your value and price is far more than rubies beloved and just because they want you or your power Princess Jasmine does not mean they have your best interest like Jafar and Aladdin using witchcraft so desperate because they know you are a precious jewel in your daddy's crown and a rare diamond that is priceless and your value cannot be determined.




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