Prophetic Word: You Dont Fit In Like A Square Peg In A Round Hole Beloved, Because You Are Not Of The World But Predestinated
This is for someone my friend. Anyone who knows me knows I love 2 babysit/daycare kids and enjoy looking after ppls babies and kids and I'm the kinda mom that is mom 2 everyone other ppl, teenagers and kids. I've always wanted 2 be a surrogate for moms that have trouble with conception and foster and adopt kids. Its just my nature 2 care and nurture and act like a mom even 2 animals and my kids friends and other kids. And I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit these little kids and I felt so much emotion, like the aww I just wanna hold them in the spirit but they can't see me through the spirit. A little sadness cuz at this what looked like preschool or kindergarten, these kids were sitting on a brown orangy carpet and one kid was playing by themself, left out and didn't fit in, and ironically playing with this shape finder square peg in a round hole game and trying 2 get the square in the round hole and it didn't fit. These other kids were just mean and agressive. And then I heard in the spirit. You dont fit in and the world hateth you beloved, because you are not of the world but predestinated.[John15:18-19] Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. No matter what a child or person does or says they will never fit in because they are born 2 stand out as a royal priesthood[1Peter2:9] and hand picked by God as the seed that is chosen and will be hated because they don't see or know him, the world cannot recieve the spirit of truth beloved[John14:17] Speak Holy Spirit because without faith you cannot even know him or please him and believe he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.[Hebrews11:6] so then you become crazy and peculiar 2 them because the spiritual things are discerned beloved and 2 the carnal man perishing it is foolishness 2 them because they don't have eyes 2 see and ears 2 hear and their eyes have not been opened.[2Cor4:4] Speak Holy Spirit. You will always be a square peg in a round hole that will never fit in because Jesus has called you 2 do greater works than him[John14:12] for his glory 2 be revealed in the earth and win souls for him win souls for the kingdom because he has called you out of this world 2 good works and ordained you for his purpose for we are his workmanship.[Ephesians2:10] Speak Holy Spirit and because you are chosen they will resent you and hate you 4 it because your spirit will aggravate the worlds demons because satan knows in the spirit who is chosen.[John10:10] Speak Holy Spirit even if they do not know or other ppl dont know yet. But because you are not of the world beloved and He is in you and you are in Him[John14:17] he will not leave you comfortless and there is divine protection from demons[Psalm91:7,11] because if God is for you who can be against you beloved.[Romans8:31] but the world hates you because it hated Jesus first and it will hate you because you are His[John15:18-19] My God speak Holy Spirit because all those who who live a Godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.[2Timothy3:12] There's no getting around it. It's all part of your training ground 2 go from glory 2 glory passing tests my luuvs through trials and glory in tribulation. I don't know who this is for baby but it's ok to be hated and not fit in because the world that you are currently in, you are not a part of it and they hate your daddy 2 to this day beloved. You are a part of him, set apart by him predestinated and no matter how many times you jam the the square peg into the round shaped hole it will not fit because it is different and you will always be a square peg in a round hole and peculiar because of who your daddy is and you will never fit in cuz you belong 2 Him.
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