Prophetic Word: Be Vigilant Of Ppl Trying 2 Put Out Your Fire Beloved, You Shine 2 Bright & You're 2 Hot 4 Them
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw 2 things in the realm of the spirit. One was a vision of someone putting more logs on a fire at a lake in a fire pit cuz the fire died down again. And the other vision was a person trying 2 pour a bucket of water over a fire pit and put out the fire til there's no fire or sparks left. And then I heard in the spirit Watch out for bad company & Be vigilant of ppl trying 2 put out your fire beloved, they are envious of your flame of warmth and want 2 extinguish your flame because you shine 2 bright for them[1Cor15:33] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Are you hanging around ppl that are envious logs that are wet that are putting out your fire cuz of their negative attitude and criticism. Speak Holy Spirit. The fact is the ppl the devil knows is chosen and physcially attractive is a threat and satan hates chosen ones who are attractive winning souls for the kingdom. You're 2 hot for them. So he uses ppl 2 hate on chosens. Its why so many ppl hate chosen ones and have a problem with someone being attractive. The fact is baby you're hot and your fire is a threat. Mm speak Holy Spirit and A lack of air will put out a fire at night when you go to bed meanwhile ppl suffocating you with toxicity and your flame is lacking oxygen.[1Peter5:8] Fire needs air 2 or survive or it will die down again. Fire is the combination of fuel and oxygen and the atmosphere it creates sparks through a chemical reaction. My God speak Holy Spirit so it is important 2 throw a log on of reading the word and sword of the spirit, throw a log on of prayer in the secret places, throw a log on of dancing in the spirit singing and worship. Because God is a consuming fire[Hebrews12:29] and we must worship him in spirit and truth beloved. Speak Holy Spirit because we were created 2 worship him and when the Holy Ghost fire gets fueled again, you become to the world a chemical reaction between fuel and oxygen in the atmosphere and draw ppl 2 him. Watch out for ppl who wanna put out your fire cuz you're 2 warm for them. You're 2 loving you're 2 different you shine 2 bright for them.[Proverb3:31] If you are chosen my luuvs you will shine and stand out because you were not created 2 fit in.[1Peter2:9] Your consuming fire puts the world on fire because you are the light of the world beloved.[Matthew5:14] You need 2 Watch the company you keep cuz some are toxic and buckets of water trying 2 put out your flame til there's nothing left. And when you get tired and been amongst the world of toxic, you need 2 get alone with him and fuel the fire again.[Isaiah40:31] for his grace is sufficient[1Cor12:9] for the combustion reaction to happen, you have 2 heat the fuel to its temperature ignition. Whoo!! so it continues to burn as long as there is fuel and oxygen around it. Speak Holy Spirit The flame heats any surrounding fuel so it releases gases as well & when the flame ignites the gases, the fire goes wild cuz the hotter the fire gets come on Holy Spirit the more it spreads. Whoo!! I don't know who this is for baby but be vigilant of ppl who are toxic that make you lack oxygen because you need oxygen 2 keep your fire going beloved and toxic ppl you 2 shine 2 bright cuz you're 2 hot for them. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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