Prophetic Word: Beloved I Have Not Forgotten, There Is Coming A Divine Intervention As You Cross Over Into The Promised Land

Heyyy my luuvs. This is a word for someone my friend and you will know it is yours if it is your season and it resonates in your spirit. I saw the numbers 911 on a license plate parked in front of my vehicle at swimming lessons. And I heard Psalm 91:11 beloved but I needed more confirmation what the Lord was saying cuz I have also been seeing 1111 alot 2222 111 222 everywhere phone, youtube views, clocks, plates, and seeing fed ex trucks and Uhaul trucks in the physcial and yet seeing waters parting in the realm of the spirit and hearing words like crossing over and abundance in the realm of the spirit. And the Lord confirmed this word through Deuteronomy11:11, Deut1:11 and Psalm 91:11 then today I got the final confirmation and I just heard in the realm of the spirit divine intervention and then I heard him say it again beloved divine intervention. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. God is sending angels your way for a divine intervention 2 shift your season. Whatever that looks like for you beloved. If this is your word, you are waiting for a major breakthrough because Deuteronomy1:11 says May the Lord, the God of your ancestors, increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised! And Deuteronomy 11:11 says But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drinks rain from heaven. Whoever this word is for beloved. You are getting ready 2 cross over coming into overflow and abundance. Speak Holy Spirit. And Uhaul trucks represents moving phycially or spiritually up a level & Fed ex trucks represents belessings & packages. God Is reminding us that he hasn't forgotten, whatever he has promised you, he's letting you know that he is not forgotten. If you have been seeing the number 11 often or 111, 222 and seeing 1:11 and 11:11 on the clock all the time it could be the Lord trying 2 get your attention. The biblical meaning of the number 22 in hebrew also represents light beloved & the word “light“ is used 22 times in the Gospel of John & the book of 3John was actually the 22nd book that is contained in the New Testament Speak Holy Spirit and 22 is double 11 and 11 Is the number of transition. The 11th hour comes right before the start of a new day beloved. Mm speak Holy Spirit because God’s promise to Israel in Deuteronomy 11:11 was that when they finally made it 2 the Promised Land, they would transition into a season in which they were under God’s continual blessing from the beginning of the year 2 the end. My God speak Holy Spirit because there are rewards for your obedience and you are under abrahamic covenant because you are his. Wow I feel the annointing, this is highly prophetic for someone under the sound of my voice reading this. Let this speedily manifest in your life beloved and I seal this word with the blood of Jesus. 11 can mean a last-minute breakthrough or miracle like in the case of the 11th-hour miracle and blessings in [Matthew 20:6-8] and transition. Seeing 11:11 is a sign that you are experiencing a spiritual awakening and transitioning 2 God's promise. It is a sign that you are transitioning from your current state my luuvs 2 a new one in a new season. Expect supernatural angelic visitation. 11:11 can signify angelic presence, specifically with the purpose of protecting and guarding you against unseen dangers supernatural protection.[Psalm91:11] and Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty beloved[Psalm91:1] Speak Holy Spirit. You are about 2 experience a new level shift that will change your life beloved but all things work out for the good of those who love him who are called according 2 his purpose[Romans8:28] I don't know who this is for baby but there is coming a divine intervention if this is your season as you cross over into the overflow abundance into the promised land. God has not forgotten. Shalom, I love you
with the love of Jesus.


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