Prophetic Word: Beloved Many Are Surprised By Your Dramatic Transformation Because You Have Been Transformed By The Renewing Of Your Mind & Out Of The World Chosen

 Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit someone working out a gym. And the Lord showed me someone's before and after transformation and how hard it was at the beginning when they first started. Everything about this person changed when they were committed from everything to eating habits, higher energy levels cuz of it, mindset elevation and attitude and determination. And many ppl were surprised by it because this transformation came out of nowhere and did not know what they had in them. And after the dramatic transformation, the insecurity died as this person transformed into a beautiful butterfly of radiance and confidence. And then I heard in the spirit you have been transformed by the renewing of your mind beloved and undergone a dramatic transformation[Romans12:2] and it surprised alot of them because they underestimated the determination, the annointings on you beloved and the spirit that dwells within.[1John4:4] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. You chosen one have surprised alot of them because they thought you were average like the rest of the world but didn't know you didn't choose the spiritual gifts, the call or him, he chose you beloved out of the world and you had a date with destiny with Elohim.[John15:16] Speak Holy Spirit. It wasn't until God opened their eyes and revealed to them who you are, when they finally realized you were one in a million. My God speak Holy Spirit because many are called and few are chosen.[Matthew22:14] Very few ppl accept the call of God on their life and fulfill their purpose.[Jer29:11] Many are called but they have freewill and want 2 live their life any way and not even seek him 2 be given an assignment & serve him and save their life 2 lose it but those who lose their life for his sake 2 serve him shall find it. [Matthew16:25] Speak Holy Spirit. All God wants beloved is your heart and your yes. Even if it's broken, God will mend it. Give that to him and he will clean you up, equipp you as you go through tests and give you a new spirit and heart of flesh.[Ezekiel36:26] Speak Holy Spirit. Someone must really need this cuz this wasn't even tne direction I started in than Holy Spirit stopped me and led me into another direction. Mm I don't know who this for baby but you have surprised your enemies and alot of them because of your dramatic transformation because you're a man/woman after God's own heart my luuvs and there is power on you cuz of the Holy Spirit. They underestimated your annointings, determination and the spirit that dwells within because they didn't believe you were really chosen. But God uses the foolish things of this world 2 confound the wise beloved. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.




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