Prophetic Word: Beloved You Are Getting Ready 2 Take Off Like A Rocket, All Rocket Boosters Will Fall Off As You Go From Glory 2 Glory & Reach Elevation

 Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. Since I woke up, I heard Daniel 2:21 in the spirit and ironically its July 21 & then I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit a rocket that failed 2 take off that represents last seasons and then saw another rocket take off which represents this season cuz it was a success cuz nothing was keeping it down and hindering it. And then I heard in the spirit beloved I am taking you from glory 2 glory [2Cor3:18] taking off like a rocket but if the rocket boosters don't fall off cuz of rebellion, I will force them 2 fall off beloved.[Daniel2:21] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Rockets need 2 be prepared 2 take off and make sure they are ready without hinderances. Speak Holy Spirit. He said the reason some you couldn't take off last seasons is because you had rocket boosters that were holding you back beloved.[John10:10] Mm and so you were delayed taking off because of it my God speak Holy Spirit because the rocket failed to separate from the the rocket boosters, after lift off it exploded within minutes. Whoo!! Because the higher you go my luuvs, rocket boosters can't hang on 2 the rocket and go with.[Jeremiah29:11] Help me Holy Ghost or it will hinder the rocket 2 reach appropriate elevation in this season. Mm some of you have grown so much you'll never go back to the ground level again. My God speak Holy Spirit [Luke2:52]you were meant 2 go higher you were destined 2 sit in Heavenly realms in Heavenly places with Christ Jesus.[Ephesians2:6] Come on Holy Spirit. You are the head and not the tail beloved. You are called 2 go higher than you've ever been. Whoo!! But you gotta let go of all hinderances that would prevent the rocket from taking off cuz of rocket boosters that don't wanna let go beloved. Let go and he will force them. Speak Holy Spirit. Keep your eyes on Jesus and the rocket boosters will fall off supernaturally because in these last days God has a mission and you have your assignments, walking in them.[Ephesians2:10] Speak Holy Spirit. He is building his church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it in the name of Jesus. Because the higher you go the more ppl fall off like rocket boosters cuz they were never meant 2 go with. Just like Jesus mm the closer he got 2 the cross and spoke truth, less and less ppl followed him. Speak Holy Spirit you are chosen you belong 2 Jesus.[Matthew22:14] God wants 2 reveal his power, miracles and goodness in your life so that others will come 2 him. My God speak Holy Spirit.[John14:12] He wants 2 show them through you what it really mean 2 blessed.[1John4:4] I hear you Holy Spirit what it really looks like when you diligently seek Him. Mm. The complete dream like transformation  & restoration. Whoo!! But rockets aren't meant 2 stay on the ground beloved. The center of pressure in a rocket must be located toward the tail & the center of mass must be located toward the nose beloved. the rocket will be unstable in flight. It will try to rotate about the center of mass in the pitch and yaw axes, producing a dangerous situation. Speak Holy Spirit God is saying keep your eyes on me as we go through this taking off preparation making sure you are in alignment making sure the rocket doesn't explode turning into a dangerous situation cuz of hinderances cuz I will finish what I started[Phill1:6] Making sure the rocket boosters fall off as the rocket takes off 4 elevation. I don't know who this is for baby but we are in the last days and this is a Daniel 2:21 moment and God is saying he is getting ready 2 elevate his children like a rocket. I hear you Holy Spirit. I prophesy new beginnings of elevation and restoration, kingdom millionaires are being raised up 2 bless other ppl for God's purpose. I prophesy supernatural miracles will be the normal & God is supplying all your needs according 2 his riches in glory in Christ Jesus and your pantry will be full even when the world goes through famine. But Gods children will overflow in abundance & you are getting ready 2 take off like a rocket as God propels you forward into your destiny & purpose. Many will testify this season because God's words does not return 2 him void and he watches over his word 2 perform it. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.




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