Prophetic Word: Final Lap Beloved, Jericho Will Fall Yet

This is for someone my friend. I was dancing in the spirit and singing 2 the song You still do and just felt the annointing so intense but also hearing final lap beloved in the spirit in that moment and then I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit Jericho and israelites walking around it but then the vision faded and it morphed into football/soccer field and kids doing laps around it. And then I heard in the spirit Jericho will fall yet, final lap beloved. [Joshua6:19-20] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. The song lyric is same power now and forever no you're not through yet. Speak Holy Spirit The same power that raised Christ from the dead[Romans8:11] is the same power that made Jericho fall for the israelites 2 possess the promised land. And the same power that parted the waters 2 walk through it. My God speak Holy Spirit because what is is impossible with man is possible with God beloved.[Luke18:27] The amount of your faith will determine what happens cuz you have 2 have faith 2 recieve it.[James1:7] Speak Holy Spirit but Jericho must come down cuz you believe and you have been walking around it, pushing through the waiting and being obedient. Speak Holy Spirit. But it came with instruction mm on the 7th day they Marched around the city 7 times again, the priests blew their trumpets and the wall collapsed.[Joshua6:20] For all the promises of God in Him are Yes and in Him Amen 2 the glory of God through us beloved [2Corinthians1:20] I don't know who this is for baby but I know you're tired of marching around the wall waiting for your promise, but it's the final lap beloved cuz you kept pushing through fatigue and going through perservance so keep marching around the city my luuvs in obedience & wait for God 2 do the rest because God is faithful and Jericho will fall yet.




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