Prophetic Word: If It's Sent By Me Beloved, Like Cinderellas Slipper It Will Be A Perfect Fit But Being In Unequally Yoked Relationships Is Like Trying 2 Squeeze Into Clothes & Shoes That Will Never Fit
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision & saw in the realm of the spirit someone trying on clothes that were 2 small & didn't fit but trying 2 squeeze into these clothes 2 make it fit & then I went into a vision & saw & heard in the realm of the spirit Cinderella revealing the truth 2 the prince your majesty I'm no princess. I have no carriage, no parents, no dowry & asking if he'll take her as she is cuz she knew he would marry the girl who glass slipper fit, Kit insisted 4 her 2 sit try on the glass slipper and he put it on her foot & it was a perfect fit, they smile at eachother & almost kiss cuz he found his queen this mysterious girl at the ball that lost her slipper when she left. then I heard in the spirit Beloved just like Cinderella, I did not create you to fit in and if you have 2 force relationships or ppl 2 fit, it is not from me beloved[John10:10] because who I send your way like cinderellas slipper it will be a perfect fit because my plans are 2 prosper you not harm you beloved. [Jeremiah29:11] so be ye not unequally yoked together because the clothes or glass slipper would not fit. [2Cor6:14] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. I think it was over a year ago now or 2 when the Lord gave me a vision of puzzle pieces that looked identical but one was not the perfect fit, one was the counterfeit.[John10:10] It was a slight difference. mm Thankyou Holy Spirit 4 bringing that 2 my remembrance. Trying 2 make it work or force the puzzle piece 2 fit is like trying 2 make it work an unequally yoked relationship. It will never fit.[2Tim3:5] Speak Holy Spirit Its like trying 2 fit into clothes that are 2 small. You can squeeze into a pair of jeans or shirt or shoes all you want but if it's the wrong size my God speak Holy Spirit it will never fit.[2Cor6:14] It will be uncomfortable. It will give your toes blisters & cut off circulation around the hips. Mm u cannot squeeze into something 3 sizes 2 small even if u want it. Speak Holy Spirit. If it is not God's plan 4 u why fight it. Whoo!! God's not in it if it doesn't fit. My God speak Holy Spirit because he would never send something your way that is nothing like Him.[John15:19] No he's preparing that person before he even sends them. Come on Holy Spirit. Even tho the slipper fits, he's preparing that person like kit was preparing 4 it. The trials & tribulation & suffering Cinderella went through at home loss her dad unexpected, step mom took everything & she was dismissed, treated like garbage, moved 2 the attic but it was building her character in her hard season[Ecc3:1] & God was preparing her 4 it. Because sometimes preparation is packaged as pain beloved like Cinderella treated poorly as a servant & never loved by them. She still treated them w/ kindness. Speak Holy Spirit because it was in her 2 give. So my luuvs stop trying 2 fit into ppl that don't fit into u & your purpose. Theres a reason God prunes you & ppl are only in our lives 4 a season. You weren't meant 2 stay in small places, so stop tying 2 fit into clothes & shoes that are 2 small beloved. Like Cinderella, God's chosens who walk in obedience are predestinated 2 go high above all the nations.[Deut28:1] Speak Holy Spirit. David didn't fit in the heavy armor that saul put on him & couldn't walk around cuz he was not used 2 them. It was uncomfortable because it wasn't a perfect fit. 2 many of u are trying 2 fit into clothes & shoes that do not fit like jobs, projects, & relationships that were not ordained by him. My God speak Holy Spirit & then cuz God's not in it, it doesn't fit & so what happens is you're stuck in clothes that are uncomfortable until u get out of it. Whoo!! Saul became jealous of David & so many of u need 2 understand not everyone who appears 2 be 4 you is 4 u beloved. Ziklag is not meant 2 be comfortable Cinderella, it is not where you're meant 2 stay beloved. It is a war zone where David fled.[1Samuel30:1] David conquered Ziklag cuz he encouraged himself in the Lord & never gave up an quit. & he saw a victory because of it. He kept the faith even when it looked hopeless. Speak Holy Spirit Perhaps some of u are in distress in the same way, u have chosen your own path, & now things are burning down & being taken & stolen[John10:10] & now you are caught in the tangled bushes on fire which tear & burn ur flesh. You tried 2 fit into clothes that did not fit. Speak Holy Spirit Cinderella had a ziklag experience. It was a wounding dissapointment, uncomfortable, & she wanted out of it. Many of u are in ziklag trying 2 survive like David but you are waiting 4 God's intervention like Cinderella's when she was locked in the attic 2 sabatoge her opportunity w/ the prince but even tho the weapon formed it did not prosper beloved[Isaiah54:17] because the wages of sin is death & evil never wins. I don't know who this is for baby but be not unequally yoked together with business partners or relationships because that's like trying 2 squeeze into clothes & shoes that will never fit. The enemy likes 2 send counterfeits. But God is sending kingdom relationships like cinderella's slipper which is a perfect fit.
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