Prophetic Word: Keep Climbing The Steepest Mountain Beloved, Do Not Look Behind You Looking Down At It & Climb Down Again

 Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit someone climbing these stairs on their way 2 the top of a waterslide and hesitated because they looked back behind them and were looking down afraid of heights how high they were now from climbing them. And so this person was undecided. Took a few steps higher and than went down 4 steps again. Took another step up ahead then turned around again. And then I heard in the spirit. Keep climbing the steepest mountain beloved and keep taking steps up ahead, I am ordering your steps [Psalm37:23] taking you higher, do not look back and climb back down the mountain again.[2Cor3:18] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Often times when we are going higher with Jesus, Satan will use the heights tactic for intimidation because when someone is climbing a mountain, yes they are in a harness but if they look behind them or look down at it, it will scare them how high up they are and they will start 2 feel intimidated.[1Peter5:8] Speak Holy Spirit and that's exactly what the devil wants beloved. He wants you 2 look back out of fear how high you are on the mountain til you start 2 climb down it instead out of fear because he knows climbing the mountain will only get you 2 higher heights in your walk with him. My God speak Holy Spirit.[2Tim1:7] He knows when you get to the top of the mountain, it'll all make sense. You will see the view and bigger picture cuz once you're at the top, the climb will look different.[2Cor4:4] Whoo!! Higher heights will put you in a place the enemy does not want you beloved. I prophesy strength for you my luuvs 2 keep climbing your mountain for his strength is made perfect in weakness.[2Cor12:9] You will appreciate the climb blood sweat and tears and everything you endured and the training when you get 2 the top of the mountain when you see the view and what's next.[Galations6:7] Speak Holy Spirit because the devil knows that is God is not mocked & there's a harvest for those seeds planted and he tried so hard 2 put fear and anxiety in you for walking by faith not knowing what's ahead yet still obedient[Hebrews11:6] Speak Holy Spirit but your obedience puts you high above all the nations seated in the Heavenly realms seated with Christ Jesus in Heavenly places.[Eph2:6] Mm because it's where you belong because you're a child of the king beloved. Speak Holy Spirit. I just saw an eagle in the realm of the spirit and its soaring high above a mountain. My God speak Holy Spirit because eagles don't stay on the low ground with the chickens. Whoo!! They don't mingle with them. They are called set apart chosen and not meant to be unequally yoked with the chickens.[2Cor6:14] Speak Holy Spirit. Climbing steep mountains starts with muscular endurance, strength training and lower elevation. Before you climb a mountain, first you gotta exercise that faith muscle beloved.[Matthew17:20] Speak Holy Spirit. Whoever this word is for you keep looking back and behind you and hesitant like the person wanting to climb up the stairs 2 go on the waterslide but climbing back down 2 steps again. Keep climbing the mountain and don't look down or the height you have climbed beloved thus far the enemy will use fear and intimidation. Keep climbing and do not pay attention 2 how high up it is. I don't know who this is for baby but if you keep climbing the mountain and looking ahead one day you will reach the top of it and only look back down 2 see how far you have come and the elevation and you will overcome and be so happy you didn't quit but don't look behind or look back down again while you're climbing the steepest mountain. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.




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