Prophetic Word: The Kingdom Of Darkness & Satan Isn't Happy Beloved, Because Things Are Breaking & Shifting In The Realm Of The Spirit

 Heyyy my luuvs. I wish I had words 2 convey what I see in the realm of the spirit. The reason spiritual warfare is amped up, ministries under attack shadow banned & sudden, & so many distractions, so many weird things happen, so many ppl are getting hit & me interceding in the spirit 4 ppl going thru cycles of sickness, always hitting them again & again. Its absolutely demonic & an attempt 2 get u 2 quit b4 u see your upgrades, elevation & promises. They are attempts 2 burn u out with it. Speak Holy Spirit. He wants 2 break u like the book of Job cuz u are that close beloved. Mm I see ppl panting running out of breath in the spirit. I see ppl being attacked by the slandering spirit when the devil mocks u 4 believing promises & comes oppression. but just say shut up devil in the name of Jesus cuz it is written. The devil will eventually quit beloved but its cuz u are so close, u r that close 2 what you have been waiting 4 & he's not giving up w/out a fight so keep your armor on so u can get thru this. I know many of u are tired & wanna quit. I see it in the spirit. Many r crying & saying I can't do this as I'm hearing this in the spirit But u can do all things thru Christ which strengthenth u beloved. I rebuke every satanic lie in the name of Jesus. I know ur tired of me saying this but Holy Spirit showed me another fedex truck today again & said yes its still coming yet beloved cuz it represents packages coming & promises but Hear me by the spirit of God, it really really is & its close so hang on a little bit longer & hang on 2 ur hats cuz its going 2 be a wild ride beloved. I don't know who this is 4 baby but ur tired cuz theres attempts 2 take u out in the spirit but stay close 2 Jesus & draw strength from him in his rest. Cuz theres alot of things breaking & happening in the spirit, alot of ppl are getting saved & even coming back 2 Jesus, & principalies are trying to stop it, but they cant so they will try 2 slow u down instead cuz I just heard in the spirit screams & slamming doors & hearing like almost an angry cat hiss & then I went into a vision & saw in the realm of the spirit a scene in Passion Of The Christ where Satan is dressed in black on his knees on dry cracked ground screaming & so mad & tormented cuz he realized that Jesus defeated him on that cross at Calvary when he said it is finished, conquered death & he rose again. I'm getting emotional cuz I'm very sensitive by what I see and hear In the realm of the spirit. I'm a daddy's girl it's hard 4 me seeing it. And then I heard in the spirit the kingdom of darkness isn't happy beloved because things r shifting in the spirit & many of my children are changing seasons & reaching their purpose & destination[Jer29:11] & satan is mad cuz he cannot stop it. Thanku Holy Spirit I don't know who this is 4 baby but when God announced u 2 the world who u always been cuz 4 a season u were hidden. Whoo the devil don't like it. Hunny ur a dangerous oh snap you a threat. You are Gods dangerous weapon mm speak Holy Spirit so expect spiritual warfare amped up & oppression cuz just like the vision Satan is mad that it is over 4 him & he is defeated. The devil hates its when ppl get saved born again & when God announces his children putting them in assignments & higher positions, he attacks cuz your title announcement is a threat 2 him. He dreads that day beloved. Your elevation ur revealed position, scares the kingdom of darkness cuz they want u 2 stay small & hidden or u even more of a threat. Keep going even whenever spiritual warfare is intense & come back 2 your first Love & keep your eyes focused on Jesus. Keep going even if you're shadowed keep spreading the gospel even when principalities attack beloved. Keep speaking truth even if u go down in numbers my God speak Holy Spirit because we are fufilling our assignment til the next 1 is unfolded & taking u higher beloved, I have 2 keep prophesying when Holy Spirit gives me utterance even if im a target & there is spirtual warfare beloved, we are hated by the world cuz we are chosen & they hated our daddy Jesus first beloved but keep going cuz rewards r coming 4 interceding 4 souls & diligently seeking him. Your mantle is heavy cuz he knew u could handle it & others weren't designed 4 ur annointing beloved. We are in a war 4 souls on assignment. We r not here 4 any other purpose than 2 build God's kingdom, have a relationship w/ him. We are more than conquerors thru him that loved us. Speak Holy Spirit & we were created 4 him 4 his purpose. I don't know who this is 4 baby but if this is word is 4 u the reason ur burnt out & always getting hit over & over again like running out of breath is cuz u are that close 2 breakthru beloved & just like the vision, The devil cant stand it & is mad cuz he knows & he cannot stop it just like couldn't stop Jesus' victory & ressurection after death cuz God is building his church & the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Stay strong my luuvs I know ur tired. I'm always interceding 4 u in the realm of the spirit. Shalom, I love you with the love of Jesus. John10:10 | Hebrews11:6 | Hebrews11:1 | John19:30 Eph6:11-12 | Eph2:10 | Jer29:11 |Romans8:37




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