Prophetic Word: Showstopper Beloved Cuz U R Chosen & All Eyes R On U & U R Being Watched & Noticed Like Cinderella Was When She Made Her Grand Entrance

 Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I kept hearing the word showstopper in the spirit. And then I was hearing in the spirit they're all looking at you believe me they're all looking at you and I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit at the ball when Cinderella makes her grand entrance and takes kits breath away as she makes her way towards him. All eyes were on her when she made her grand entrance and danced with the prince. She caught everyone's attention and they were wondering who that womam was in that showstopper dress. And then I heard in the spirit showstopper beloved, all eyes are on you because of your annointings & characteristics and you are being noticed like Cinderella was when she made her grand entrance. They are starting 2 see that this is not just any ordinary woman[1Chron16:22] but like Cinderella, you are chosen who radiates love and kindness because of your heart & spirit because many are called and few are chosen.[Matthew22:14] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Whoever this word is for you are causing quite a stir of attention and ppl behind closed doors are surprised who you are & what God is showing them because you were overlooked by the step mom and step sisters and dismissed but nothing is hidden and by God you were already a predestinated seed and chosen. And the kits are noticing your pure heart cinderella since the wilderness that you are special, set apart and different. [1Pet2:9] Speak Holy Spirit as the revealing of your true spiritual gifts and position in the kingdom. and its ppl like the evil step sisters and step mom that are jealous and don't like it. They envy Cinderella's beauty outside and in. because they don't have it.[James3:16] Speak Holy Spirit But then there are men like kit that are enamored and find you attractive and want 2 know more about Cinderella in the secret garden peeking his interest because up til now before grand entrance, Cinderella was a servent that was hidden kinda how God hides you beloved from them cuz not everyone is destined 2 go with cinderella for her purpose.[Jer29:11] Speak Holy Spirit Showstopper can mean quite a few things beloved. A performance or item receiving prolonged applause from the audience or prolonged as to interrupt a performance. Another definition A person who is very physically attractive. A spectacularly arresting or appealing person. Showstopper A person who looks so good that they could "stop a show" in a sense when they walk into a room, all eyez are on them and every stops to check them out captivated. Speak Holy Spirit. So my chosen ones ppl are noticing your glow up and all eyes are on you cuz you are highly annointed.[Psalm23:5] Speak Holy Spirit. They are starting 2 take notice that we're different.[1Pet2:9] and all eyes are on us because our worth & value was underestimated and not what they expected and we bring honor 2 the kingdom. My God Speak Holy Spirit and all eyes are on us cuz the secret is out that we were undercover chosen.[1Chron16:22] We arrived at the ball and made our grand entrance Speak Holy Spirit and became a showstopper by the revealing of our spiritual gifts walking in godly confidence. A showstopper like Cinderella all glammed up making our grand entrance taking our position in the kingdom. Whoo!! Cinderella makes a difference cuz of our love and kindness and chosen 2 be an impactful influencer in the earth impacting the kingdom[Revelation1:6] and the world we interact with just like our daddy when he was on the earth doing signs wonders miracles and healings with ppl he interacted with. [John2:11] We were put on this earth 2 lead ppl 2 daddy Jesus and make an impact and difference.[Romans12:2] The kit in this vision was literally falling in love with Cinderella beloved. There was so much chemistry between them. So there are ppl noticing you cinderella or men falling in love with your character and glow up transformation because you have made their jaws drop who you've always been. Keep being kind cinderella even 2 the evil step sisters cuz the world notices and the glory of the Lord is shining upon you and there are ppl wondering is that really you, beloved. I don't know who this is for baby but somebody is discovering Cinderella and who she's always been, and although she is unrecognizable through her showstopper transformation, she's always been the kind Cinderella under the dress that was always chosen before she made her grand entrance and my luuvs kit has definitely noticed.




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