Prophetic Word: U R Limited Edition Beloved Because The Higher The Value The Harder 2 Find Because There R Less Of Them
This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit ppl shopping in a mall in small store department. Some were going into dressing rooms and trying on dresses. Others were going through the clothes and just looking through them. In the realm this was a higher end ritzy shimmery lighting store with more jewelry & merchandise that was expensive. And there was a particular person that was walking toward a wall that had a couple dresses on it so she grabbed it because it was beautiful and expensive and different than most dresses & there was hardly any left. And then I heard in the spirit The higher the value the harder to find beloved because it's limited edition[Proverb3:15] because many are called and few are chosen.[Matthew22:14] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Because you are the authentic not knock off dress, you are more expensive and like the expensive dress hard 2 find and the one that everyone wanted, you are hard 2 find and limited edition because you are an original and your annointings can't be copycatted.[1John2:27] Speak Holy Spirit. Limited edition means limited 2 specific number of copies or very restricted in amount or extent. Speak Holy Spirit. You really are 1 in a million.[John15:16] Many are called few are chosen. Few means 2 or 3, Hardly any, a small number of them. You are hard 2 find because the higher the value the less there are of them. My God speak Holy Spirit. 2 find a real rare diamond you gotta look in the right places because there's not a lot of them. Mm speak Holy Spirit. There's alot of artificial ones[Matthew10:16] but between the real diamond and the fake one they are cut from different cloths beloved and the real diamond is one of a kind & your spirit can always discern whose the real diamond & chosen through the Holy Spirit. Speak Holy Spirit because you have your daddy's spirit and you have eyes 2 see beloved. [Matthew13:16] You can tell if they have strange fire or if they are Holy Ghost fire authentic cuz light exposes darkness Whoo!! [John1:5] A diamond is rare meaning there's not many of them. Rare means incomparable or matchless. Unusual and uncommon; not very often. Rare cannot find, a limited edition[1Peter2:9] I don't know who this is for baby but if a few in the world are chosen than it means a very small number beloved and like the dress in the mall store department its more expensive & you're irreplaceable cuz it's limited edition because the higher the value my luuvs the harder to find because there are less of them.
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