Prophetic Word: Be Seperate & Come Out From Among Them, The Temptation Will Not Be More Than U Can Bear Beloved, But U Will Be Able 2 Endure It
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I was hearing have you considered my servant job in the spirit so I was waiting on confirmation and then I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit a teenager hanging out with others on the streets that were pressuring him to drink alcohol with them but the man refused and said no thanks I don't do that but they kept pressuring him so he got mad and I heard him say in the spirit again no and told them than we cant be friends if you don't respect my values & choices and he left. And then I heard in the spirit I am proud of you for not sinning with them and choosing 2 resist temptation.[James4:7] I will make a way of out it, a way of escape and it will not be more than you can bear beloved but you'll be able 2 endure it.[1Cor10:13] You are in this world but not of this world beloved.[Romans12:2] Touch no unclean thing & I'll recieve you be seperate and come out from among them.[2Cor6:17] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Whoever this word is for God is proud of you for resisting the pressure resting the devil and temptation and not acting like the world that leads to destruction Because thus saith the Lord if you submit 2 God, resist the devil, he will flee from you beloved. He will he must because he is commanded 2 and must obey God's word that is written. Whoo!! I love you and praise you daddy ohh what a promise. God was bragging how good Job was 2 Satan that he was blameless man who shunned evil upright and there is no one on earth like him. God knew that Job would pass the test so he let Satan challenge him. Because satan was convinced it was because Job had everything and a hedge of protection around him that made Job upright like this but if everything was taken away then he would curse God instead. Speak Holy Spirit Satan was convinced that if he got God's permission 2 do what he wanted 2 Job it would break his faith & change his faithfulness & that's what satan wanted but instead Job had faith and kep trusting him. God gave permission for satan 2 to do anything he wanted except kill him or lay a finger on him. Speak Holy Spirit. Whoever this word is for you've lost alot in life like Job but you keep trusting God and believe 4 restoration. The teenager in the spirit resisted the devil and shunned evil when he was tempted. God is proud of someone who comes out from among them. Mm because you're rebuking the flesh and it takes self control and self discipline. Speak Holy Spirit. The teenager I saw in the spirit had no business hanging out with crowd like that 2 begin with but I think he learned his lesson when a dark side came out of them and used his discernment and left. Speak Holy Spirit. Stay away from an unclean thing beloved because carnal worldy ppl are not on the same level[2Cor6:14] and cut from a different cloth 2 begin with my God speak Holy Spirit becuz carnality thinking ppl that walk in the flesh it ultimately leads 2 death[Romans8:6] and spiritual things are discerned beloved because there is a way that seemeth right to man but in the end its destruction but they cannot or choose not 2 see it because the god of this world satan has blinded them[2Cor4:4] and its foolishness 2 them because they are wise in their own eyes beloved & think they know best. Thankyou Holy Spirit I am seeing right now in the spirit a peach touching another peach that is rotten and now that peach is rotten. Because bad company corrupts good character beloved.[1Cor15:33] Avoid rotten fruit if you can, stay away from them. Unnecessary pressure because you're hanging out with the wrong ppl that are demonic sent on assignment 2 destroy you beloved. It starts with one drink, one cigarette, one shoot of cocaine and satan has you beloved because its an addiction, now you cant get of it.[John10:10] I don't know who this is for baby but God is proud of you 4 leaving when you did not sinning with them cuz that takes courage. And when you're faced with temptation, it is always a test but resist the devil he will flee beloved because when we submit 2 God, he will make a way of escape out of it becuz it will not be more than you can bear my luuvs but you'll be able 2 endure it. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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