Prophetic Word: Beloved Come Out From Among Them, Get Out Of The Violent Winds Of The World Beast System, And Repent Get Onto The Boat Of Salvation
Heyyy my luuvs. A prophetic word warning beloved. This is for someone my friend. I heard calm before the storm in the spirit and then I went into a vision & saw in the realm of the spirit an ocean really calm & out of no where a wind came & created big waves & this wind was violent. And seeing the economy crashing, everything was being shaken. And then I heard in the spirit the waves are coming beloved[Hebrews12:27] get out of the violent winds of the beast world system[2Cor6:17] & stay close 2 me and get onto the boat of salvation because things are coming onto the earth [Matthew24] and men's hearts will fail them for fear but my children will be safe beloved.[Psalm91] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Are u one of his?? Are u already on the boat of salvation or are u hearing this word caught up in the world matrix system becuz there is coming 1 day a great tribulation[Matt24:21] & Beast System [Rev13:16-18] but God's children will be rapture off the earth & gone b4 it happens. And my luuvs no one can save u but Jesus. Bible prophecy is fufilling rapidly and the seasons are going by quicker for the sake of the bride elect. becuz since cov!!d pandemic hit, the world has turned a dark direction that ppl didn't expect but Jesus prophesied it would happen b4 he comes again. God is not playing beloved. There is another wave coming, we are in the yrs of plenty but there is coming a famine, there is coming another lockdown pandemic. God is warning us what is ahead for preparation becuz he loves everyone & its not his will 4 anyone 2 perish. The pestilence virus that is coming soon[Luke21:11] is similar 2 mad cow disease & similar symptoms & in behavior there will be more anger in ppl & the world will get more violent. I'm not trying 2 scare anyone my luuvs but it will get darker yet becuz many will grow cold becuz Jesus said. & this virus will play a part in it[Mark24:12] The wave is coming & u cannot stop it, fearful events & great signs from heaven. There will be a rapture [1Thess4:16-17] 1 day & King Jesus is coming like a thief in the night yet but this is the season of the church/bride rising & the souls harvest.[Matt16:18] More ppl are coming in. Getting saved being born again & coming into the kingdom. We are in the calm before the storm beloved. It has been quiet. But get on the boat on salvation & come out of satans world beast system & get born again & recieve the baptism of the Holy Ghost.[Romans10:13]Once u are out of it ur still in the world but no longer of it. God will take care of u when the rest of the world is crumbling in poverty, hunger & struggling with inflation & in panic.[Matt6:33] Because what happens 2 them will not happen 2 u beloved becuz God's kids have a different portion of abundant life & prosperous & God will give u a peace not as the world giveth but in the world you will have tribulation. Ask Jesus 2 come into your heart, accept him as your Lord and Savior and give your heart 2 Jesus. Because if you knew what was coming beloved, you'll say on that day when the wave comes I wish I did when I had the chance 2 do it. The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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