Prophetic Word: Beloved Lean Not On Your Own Understanding & Be Obedient, Because I See What's Ahead & Its 4 Your Protection
Heyyy my luuvs. I have been hearing lean not on your own understanding in the spirit over and over again so beloved catch the gravity of this. Cuz this word is urgent. I was waiting 4 confirmation from the Lord cuz I kept hearing this yesterday in the spirit and then I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit a woman in a blue car driving and a car seat in the back of the car, very small infant. and she was taking a different route than usual on a completely different road than she usually did because God told her 2 when she left. She didn't understand why God was telling her 2 do this but she obeyed & still did & then later found out, on the same road she always took & was going to go down instead, around the same time she would have, there was a fatal car crash with a semi a car accident. And then I heard it again in the spirit lean not on your own understanding beloved. Trust me[Proverb3:5-6] & be obedient because I see what's ahead and it is for your protection. [Psalm91:11] Thankyou Holy Spirit Whoo!! That is deep, so who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Are you leaning on your own understanding in your situation. Are you questioning why certain things are happening and going a different direction. Mm are you taking the road God is leading you 2 take for your protection.[Psalm91:11] Speak Holy Spirit because sometimes when God tells us 2 go a certain way, it won't always make sense. But God's ways and thoughts are higher than our ways beloved and we have 2 surrender our ways and go down the correct narrow road headed in the right direction.[Jeremiah29:11] Speak Holy Spirit or if not careful there could be a fatal car accident speak Holy Spirit unnecessary heartache, unnecessary trouble ahead & it could be 4 your protection. Mm because the Lord knows which direction is best & orders our steps & obedience is better than sacrifice beloved. Speak Holy Spirit. It didn't make sense when God told Abraham 2 sacrifice Isaac put him on an alter [Gen22:7-10] after so many years of waiting for the promise my God speak Holy Spirit but it was a test and Abraham was obedient and God made his name great and blessed him[Gen22:16-17] with his inheritance because God could trust Abraham. Mm but when God gives us an instruction or an assignment or even just tells us 2 go a different direction, it is a test 2 see how you'll react 2 it and if you will be obedient because the mom didn't have 2 go down the different road or listen but she did and it could have saved her life because of her obedience. I'm seeing in the spirit a boat that resembles the ark and how Noah waited. Staying alive depended on Noah's obedience and if he had not listened 2 God's instruction and got impatient, they could have drowned because of it. Speak Holy Spirit God rewarded him for his righteousness and obedience, saving both him and his family from destruction. Speak Holy Spirit let's go deeper with it what would have happened if Noah rebelled and did not build the ark that God told him 2 build with instruction[Gen6:14] out of obedience my God speak Holy Spirit The floods would have came cuz God said it would rain and he does what he promised, they would have all drowned like the rest of them. I don't know who this is for baby but lean not own your own understanding and be obedient even if it doesn't make sense because God could be saving you from destruction and its for your own protection. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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