Prophetic Word: Beloved There Is Nothing Concealed That Will Not Be Brought Into The Open, There Is No Sorcery Or Enchantment Against Jacob
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I was hearing Ariels voice the singing ah ah ah.. in the spirit and I started 2 humm it becuz my voice is very similar 2 Ariel & my whole life I used 2 always sing it & while I was hearing this in the spirit. I was also hearing it was u all the time in the spirit right after it. & as I was hearing this I went into a vision & saw in the realm of the spirit when Eric realizes on the ship, he was about 2 marry the wrong person, under a spell of the witch becuz the sea witch stole Ariel's voice thru hypnotism in a shell necklace that then broke becuz of Scuttle & the dog max who exposed her wickedness. And as this shell broke near Ariels feet on the ship in front of the prince, her voice entered back into her neck. And Eric is shocked by what just happened becuz he thought the witch he was marrying was Ariel the one he always wanted when he first heard her sing 2 begin with. You can talk he says & he takes her hands & says you're the one, & Ursula says Eric get away from her but Eric says 2 Ariel It was u all all the time as he holds her in the sunset. Ariel says oh Eric I wanted 2 tell u & then they are about 2 kiss. & then I heard in the spirit no witchcraft or divination will prosper beloved.[Isaiah54:17] There is no divination against Israel & no enchantment or sorcery against Jacob.[Numbers23:23] 4 there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed & nothing concealed that will not be known or brought into the open.[Luke8:17] Thanku Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Ariels voice was stolen so she couldn't speak or sing or expose the witch becuz she had no voice beloved. There has been a spell on you Eric. Whoever this word is for you feel like your voice has been silenced. Like Eric he thought he was doing the right thing in that moment but he was being lied 2 manipulated & forced into the wrong relationship becuz he wasn't in his right mind beloved. my God speak Holy Spirit.[Romans12:2] There are ppl that have been keeping things from u hidden but what is done in the dark like lies & manipulation always comes 2 light beloved becuz manipulation & jealousy is also a form of witchcraft becuz withcraft is also divination. & divination in greek origin is pythona which is the python spirit. Speak Holy Spirit & the python spirit is what gathers info on God's kids & calls on demons 2 attack w/ humiliation rituals on ppl, city or churches. My God speak Holy Spirit like the slave girl gained using divination thru a spirit of Python, mythological serpent & Paul freed her from the demon & ppl with unforgiveness & bitterness have a demon[James3:14-15] harboring bitterness is dmeonic & slandering is using divination becuz the Python spirit monitors God's children who holds their past against them & won't let go of it speak Holy Spirit 4 a motive 2 destroy them but then they come against God beloved[Romans8:31] & it is dangerous becuz they're under the blood & his[1Chron16:22] & if they do not forgive & back off & repent, hell fire & it's a fearful thing 2 be in the hands of the Lord under judgement that will come upon them.[Hebrews10:31] Speak Holy Spirit. You don't have 2 use a spell 2 be a witch. You're being a warlock or witch just by using lies & manipulation 2 gaslight, confuse & twist the narrative. My God speak Holy Spirit. The python spirit tries 2 silence your voice like Ariel's was stolen. Whoever this word is for u feel like you don't have a voice & you've been under a spell 2 ppl please but you want out of that situation.[Psalm18:6] You are with a warlock or witch disguised as an angel of light beloved.[2Cor11:14] & whoever you're with she is not who she appears 2 be like the witch disguised as a beautiful woman but wicked.[Jer17:9] You have been under a spell of lies and manipulation. The spell has been broken and you lost Ariel now Eric. But whatever what has been hidden from u by family, ungodly counsel & bad influences will be brought out 2 the open becuz theres no divination against Israel & no enchantment against Jacob.[Num23:23] if this is your word beloved, I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that God will expose the witch & turn around your situation, help u get out of it, turn away your captivity beloved & heal your heart that is broken. Witchcraft & lies will be exposed & divination. I don't know who this is for baby but there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed & nothing concealed that will not be known or brought into the open therefore there is no divination against Israel [God's ppl] & no enchantment or sorcery against Jacob. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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