Prophetic Word: Beloved You're Unstoppable & Were Doing This, So Rest Before 10 Cm Dilation & You Will Get Double 4 Your Trouble Yet & Birth Twins

 Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I was hearing the song I put my armor on ill show you that I ahmm amm ammm, I'm unstoppable in the spirit. And I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit a pregant woman going through so much in her pregnancy and morning sickness up til the end and when she was ready 2 deliver she wanted 2 stop, stop pushing just stop just she had a negative mindset because there were so many delivery complications but when she was finally ready 2 deliver the baby the contractions would slow down again and so would the dilation. But then in the end she delivered twins and didn't know because they didnt catch it on the ultrasound then. And then I heard in the spirit You're unstoppable and were doing this, is there anything 2 hard for me beloved.[Jeremiah32:27] You are pregant with purpose and it's more than one birth beloved. So rest before 10 cm dilation because I'm giving you double for your trouble yet and a double blessing portion. [Isaiah61:7] and you will deliver these babies yet.[Isaiah66:9] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. The woman in the vision went through so much 2 have this baby only 2 find out she was giving birth 2 twins. She was birthing 2 instead. Speak Holy Spirit. Whoever this word is for beloved. You're going through alot or have while you've been pregant with purpose. It just one thing after the other because the devil knows there's more than one yet and what you're birthing new is so big, it's twins and no wonder you're a threat and he's trying 2 stop it.[John10:10] because no eye has seen and no hear has heard and no mind has conceived what God has prepared 4 those who love him.[1Cor2:9] Baby its waiting when youre in alignment. Your contractions even slowed down and you've been waiting so patient for this promise 2 come but now you're getting restless. Mm because those Braxton hicks a month ago really had ya beloved and you thought it was the real deal contractions then but it was a just a tease because the babies weren't ready 2 come yet[Isaiah66:9] and you're still under preparation. My God speak Holy Spirit because this thing is so big this season you need 2 rest[Matthew11:28] while you can I'm hearing in the spirit were in resting season and things are quiet but it's coming 2 completion and the 9th month is  moving, the month of purpose.[Isaiah43:19] Speak Holy Spirit. Some of you need 2 rest more in him before babies decide 2 come yet. The reason there's so much fatigue lately is because there's so much activity in the realm there's so much happening in the spirit.[Eph6:11-12] Whoever this word is for this is no average pregnancy beloved. You went through pains and aches and unusual sickness speak Holy Spirit You're uncomfortable, it's getting heavy you just wanna birth this purpose because you're tired of being pregant. Im getting um feeling in the spirit some of you its frustration. Baby just be patient. Turn on some of your favorite music dance 2 it and stay in prayer trusting him. You're waiting for the appointed time for the contractions 2 get closer together 2 see dilation but it is coming when you least expect it my luuvs so rest. Because God will finish what he started[Phillipians1:6] because he never starts something and then doesn't bring it 2 completion. He is faithful 2 see you through 2 the end. I don't know who is this is for baby but you are unstoppable and going 2 deliver these twins. Because God is faithful and unstoppable and always does what he promised[Isaiah55:11] and hes going 2 bring the pregnancy 2 completion and you'll get double for your trouble yet and a double blessing portion. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.




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