Prophetic Word: Blockages Block Airflow In The Vent & Blessings Beloved, Clean The Air Filter Of Sin & You Will Be Prosperous

 Heyyy my luuvs. Someone must really need this because theres no coincidence and God works in kingdom order beloved. This is for someone my friend. I heard in the spirit check filter for sin. So I was waiting on confirmation And as I pulled out my vacuum plugged it in and started vacuuming there was hardly any suction. I hadn't cleaned it out for a while but it was completely full of dust and lint. So when I cleaned out my vaccum it worked great again. And then I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit somebody's house outside in a winter season under a deck there was a white vent and there was snow jamm packed inside of it so no air could get at it and because of this the thermostat wasn't accurate and there was no heat coming out of the living room vent. And then I heard in the spirit. Blockages block blessings beloved and sin is the reason for blockages because iniquities cause seperation [Isaiah59:2] & those who hide their sins shall not prosper but I will give them mercy if they confess and forsake their sins and I will bless them.[Proverb28:13] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Sin will block your all your blessings because you have given satan legal grounds and access. Speak Holy Spirit and because you hide your sin instead of confess, you will not prosper til you do beloved because God is no respecter of persons and what he does for one he will do for another [Romans2:11] if you repent but you gotta actually be sincere forsake them all and mean it. The snow jammed in the vent in the spirit is what it is like til you clear all the sin out again a forsake it. Because air and blessings can't come out of your life or vent til the snow or sin is removed out of the vent. My God speak Holy Spirit because it is blocking the blessings that are in the air waiting on you beloved.[John10:10] Blockages block blessings and destiny because satan can use your case of sin against you in the courts of heaven until you repent and forsake them & there is no hot air coming out of the vent. And when forsaken your sins are in the sea of God's forgetfulness. [Michah7:19] Time to clean the air filter so you can get moving again Whoo!! Because until the air is clear of sin and the snow is out of the vent, there will still be blockages until it is forsaken. Speak Holy Spirit because If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.[1John1:9] I don't know who this is for baby but if you're wondering why you've been so stagnant or seem 2 be unprosperous, check the air filter for sin becuz if you're in covenant with Jesus, snow in the vent will be a hinderance and block your blessings in the air my luuvs if it's jam packed in the vent. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.




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