Prophetic Word: Do Not Cross Yet Or Get Ahead Beloved, I Will Tell You When It's Safe 2 Cross The Highway & Intersections
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I was going 2 post this word earlier but I was waiting for confirmation and I saw a police motorbike stop a car getting a ticket. And before this. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit a mom in jogging pants with a stroller, walking a dog and with a couple of smaller toddler kids. And one of the kids let go of the moms hand and started running far ahead. And she panicked and quickly grabbed her other kid because there was traffic at the intersection and the child started crying and didn't understand or comprehend why running across the street was dangerous. And then I heard in the spirit beloved stay close because if you wander off or cross, there is danger at intersections with traffic.[1Peter5:8] Don't get ahead and wait for my directions and I will tell you when 2 cross and order your steps. [Psalm37:23] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. When there's traffic ahead, we need 2 be cautious when we cross intersections. Whether we are driving or walking with kids. Whether we cross highways or merge in, we look both ways or in the rearview mirror first before we proceed with caution. Speak Holy Spirit and waiting 2 see it when it's clear 2 cross an intersection is like waiting 4 your daddy 2 give you direction. Do not be ignorant of satans devices.[2Cor2:11] He wants you 2 cross the intersection before your daddy says when it isn't safe 2 do so and there is oncoming traffic because his 3 part agenda is steal kill destroy beloved [John10:10] he wants you 2 speed ahead and get an unnecessary ticket. But I'm hearing slow down in the spirit. Wait for my direction which turn 2 take at the intersection. My God Speak Holy Spirit. Because whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, This is the way; walk in it.[Isaiah30:21] There's traffic ahead. Be cautious at intersections. I don't know who this is for baby but someone needs 2 slow down and wait 2 cross at intersections or merge in, don't be in such a hurry beloved because your daddy isn't. Wait for his directions and he will order your steps and tell you when 2 cross the intersection, and he will direct you in the right direction 2 get 2 your destination. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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