Prophetic Word: I Am Doing A New Thing Do You Not Percieve It, Your Glory Days Are Ahead Not Behind Beloved

Heyyy my luuvs. I have so many prophetic words for you beloved and I'll try 2 get at least a few finished becuz they are piling up again. I heard glory days in the spirit. There is someone watching me right now under the sound of my voice reading this who is looking behind them instead of ahead. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit when Mr. Incredible is in his home office looking at all the glory day posters when he was a superhero and he is very lean fit & reminiscent & after he settles down & has kids, he is unhappy where he is. He wants 2 relive those days again. And then I heard in the spirit do not dwell on the past & look back at the former things beloved, I am doing a new thing, do you not perceive it.[Isaiah43:18-19] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. The biggest battle ever fought is in the mind in the head regarding operating under the flesh. Because when our flesh is in control we are leaning on our own understanding instead and spirits of rebellion take over because we let it but that is why we rebuke our flesh[James4:7] and tell it who is the boss your spirit is. Speak Holy Spirit this is why we fast becuz it produces self control & self disapline and the flesh is no longer telling us what 2 do, our spirit is. Speak Holy Spirit Interesting someone thinks their glory days were or are behind them not in front of them, the mindset is they want 2 relive them. Whoever this word is for you have kids but you are unhappiest. You are still living in the past wanting things 2 go back like it's always been & u want more u are reminiscent. Like Bob you want 2 turn back the hands of time re-live what you refer 2 glory days when you were happiest. Mr. Incredible met Elasticgirl in the glory days & fell in love so whoever this word is for you are longing 4 that again except its not with the person you settled with because Mr Incredible married his first love who he always wanted & u didnt[Gen29:11] & now u have resentment towards ppl and regret & are living in your past more than the present. I'm getting in the spirit you are longing for the glory days of being in love & also youthful again.[Psalm34:18] This woman is who you grew up with, who you first fell in love with. You miss this person. And now like Mr. Incredible u are unhappy where you are current wanting 2 re-live the glory days again & you have been reminiscent. You've made mistakes you regret & you want a do-over with this woman and still want 2 marry her like you intended becuz this woman like Elasticgirl a superhero in your eyes beloved who inspires you & means alot 2 you & its who you met in your glory days back then. Speak Holy Spirit. Dont look back beloved. Its an ex for a reason.[Isaiah43:18-19] You may have made decisions you regret and not the will of God back then but if you seek God now & pray 4 his will, He will work all things out for your good because you love him and are called according 2 his purpose.[Romans8:28] But we have 2 trust only him that what happened is for a purpose and lean not on our own understanding beloved[Proverb3:5-6] because God's ways and thoughts are higher than ours and he knows what's ahead. Speak Holy Spirit. Whoever this word is for I prophesy that was then this is now & now God is going 2 turn it around. I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus, God will bind up those wounds from the past til you're completely healed from them and He will turn your mourning into dancing beloved. Because God will make a way when there seems 2 be no way and you'll be seated w/ Christ Jesus in Heavenly places. I don't know who this is for baby but your glory days are not behind you, they are ahead, and if you surrender & let go of the old glory days mindset, God will transform you & add the super 2 your natural beloved with his spirit [Romans12:2] & he will do a new thing that is even better than the old glory days you once lived and when he pours fresh oil on your head, you will be unstoppable Mr. Incredible and powerful and the happiest you've ever been.The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. The shalom of the Lord nothing missing nothing broken in the name of Jesus. I am always interceding 4 you my luuvs in the realm of the spirit. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus. 


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