Prophetic Word: Pressed Down Shaken Together Runner Over Beloved & The Measure You Give, Will Come Back And Be Measured 2 You Reaping A Harvest
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I heard pressed down shaken 2 together in the spirit. And then I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit. A little princess and The penniless princess both in the spirit. and how she was made a servant at the boarding school cuz of her dad Captain Crew's death and so Sarah was an orphan living at the school with her friend Becky in the attic and was treated so poorly, she went hungry because of Miss Minchin who despised her because she believed even though she was dressed in rags, she was still a princess. In the other one Sarah finds a coin and buys fresh hot buns becuz she was hungry but saw a homeless boy and she gave him the buns instead and returned back to the attic and then when she woke up in the morning, God put it on a man's heart 2 set up a beautiful bountiful feast luxurious dishes and table prepared for them a glorious banquet. God put it on someone's heart 2 give back 2 her for giving up that food she wanted and helping the homeless orphan by giving it to him. And then the vision shifted and flashed in the spirit 2 the part where she notices the orphan homeless boy in the bakers shop with the baker helping him, you live here now?? she says. I have a home now he says. And the baker says 2 her when I saw your kindness it made me realize how much I have 2 give and then the boy said thankyou and the vision ended. And then I heard in the spirit. It's better to give than to recieve beloved.[Acts20:35] The measure you give will multiply back 2 you because you give. [Luke 6:38] and you reap harvest by what you sow beloved.[Galations6:7] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. When you put others needs before your own no matter what it is, God will take care of you because you're helping them. When you pour into someone 2 bless them, God will bless you abundantly for it because he honors you for your selfless spirit. Speak Holy Spirit.[Matt6:33] Sarah Crew could have taken the food back 2 the attic even when she saw the boy sitting there cold shivering and helpless. But if she hadn't done what she did, would the baker have adopted him and took him in my God speak Holy Spirit because he said it was because he saw what she did that pressed him on his spirit 2 give the boy a home through an adoption. Mm you have impact when you're God's kid because you do the supernatural and use your powers for good not evil beloved.[1John4:4] Whoo!! Could you imagine not doing it when you felt when you could be the reason God will bless someone else because of what someone saw you do and it has a domino effect. My God speak Holy Spirit. You make the world a better place[Matt5:14-16] because you shine a light where there is so much darkness.[John1:5] What Sarah gave 2 the homeless boy on the streets the orphan, it was multiplied back 2 her when she least expected because God is not mocked. What you sow my luuvs is what you reap & get [Galations6:7] the measure you give is what comes back 2 you in multiplication because what you give will be given to you, a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap beloved. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you [Luke6:38] because there's always a harvest. Speak Holy Spirit. But don't do it out of guilt and obligation with a spirit of selfishness. God looks at the heart the motive. The Shunamite woman blessed and gave 2 the prophet. Instead of being swayed by Elisha's hesitancy 2 accept her gift, she graciously insisted he take it because she wanted 2 honor the prophet becuz she was a cheeful giver beloved. I don't know who this is for baby but ppl should only give what they have decided in their heart 2 give, not reluctantly or under compulsion or obligation. God loves a cheerful giver beloved.[2Cor9:7] And what you give shows what's in your heart like a reflection because faith without works is dead & what you give comes back 2 you beloved with multiplication. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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