Prophetic Word: Rejected In Nazareth Beloved, No Prophet In Their Hometown Is Accepted

Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I heard rejected in Nazareth in the spirit. And then I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit in The Help where a woman named Cecilia Foote is doing everything she can do 2 fit in. She's very wealthy & well off and has a maid like the rest of them but all the other women like Hilly & her friends still have resentment. She bakes a pie & rings the doorbell expecting 2 be invited in but Hilly ignores the doorbell and tells all the ladies 2 hide & be quiet. When Cecilia looks inside the window she realizes what is going on & it hurts her becuz she knows she's being ignored and rejected. She leaves almost crying & disappointed. And then I heard it in the spirit again rejected in Nazareth. Beloved no prophet in your own hometown is accepted. They rejected me in Nazareth beloved & they will reject you in your hometown where you were brought up because a prophet is rejected.[Luke4:24] But you did not choose me, I chose you beloved and knew you and ordained you a prophet 4 the nations[Jeremiah1:5] and there will always be persecution.[2Tim3:12] Thanku Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. You will never be accepted by ppl that were commited 2 misunderstanding you 2 begin with yet alone always left out, made fun of and rejected. You will never be accepted as God's annointed or prophet by someone u grew up with becuz they still see u as what you've been & what you were 2 them. Speak Holy Spirit. They can't accept the fact that God sees u different.[Zech2:8] Some of them are still trying 2 comprehend it becuz they were wise in their own eyes but now their eyes have been opened.[2Cor4:4] Mm they don't necessarily like when God puts u in those kinds of positions in the body of Christ beloved because they think it should be them because they envy you for it but you did not chose your gifts & spiritual gifts My God speak Holy Spirit because you did not choose your promotions or position. Mm God ordained it 4 you beloved because no eye has seen, no has ear heard no mind has conceived what things God has prepared 4 those who love him.[1Cor2:9] There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. [1Cor12:4] You cannot copy the annointing or have it. Speak Holy Spirit. What is 4 u is 4 u beloved & no one can take it whatever gift it is. It is placed in you by God 4 his glory for his kingdom 2 do great works in the earth 2 partner w/ the Holy Spirit 2 further the kingdom.[Matt16:18] God decides who his Evangelists, teachers, annointed and who his seers and prophets are not ppl with high opinions because they don't like them & holding oughts against them. My God Speak Holy Spirit but God is building his church & the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. The devil is trying 2 silence the prophet and trying 2 interfere with God's plan & purpose but nothing will stop God's will for your life beloved. Speak Holy Spirit. Cecilia was rejected but her heart was pure beloved and if you are or were rejected, God has something special for you[Eph2:10] for a special purpose.[Jer29:11] Jesus wasn't accepted in his hometown the ppl he grew up with. There are ppl you grew up with who can't accept that God has called u for that assignment that God has annointed you 4 the prophetic annointing/ assignment or called you as a prophet performing miracles & healings, gift of prophecy[1Cor12:10] in the prophetic they attack you when you didn't even choose it, what they dont know is you didnt even want it becuz it comes with more spiritual warfare, attacks come with it, satans target. Concerning spiritual gifts alll these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one just as he determines.[1Cor12:7-11] Rejected in Nazareth they didn't even accept Jesus so why would they accept you beloved. They see u as an ordinary person not the who God called you 2 be beloved. There are many ppl that are shocked because God's annointed & prophets don't look like his annointed kids or prophets.[1Chron16:22] He uses the foolish things of the world 2 confound the wise beloved. He picks ppl that are the least expected. He doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called who are chosen & equipps & trains them but even tho the world didn't know you were chosen, that predestinated seed beloved, your daddy always knew before them. Speak Holy Spirit and he knew you would be the stone the builders rejected and prophetically the stone the builders rejected becomes the Chief corner stone beloved.[Psalm118:22] Just ask David, rejected but God chose him and he was annointed 2 be king by the prophet. I don't know who this is for baby but if you have been called by God 2 be annointed, chosen, or ordained 2 be an endtime prophet, you did not ask for it but he chose you for it expect 2 be rejected in Nazareth mm because in your hometown and ppl of your past my luuvs, no prophet is accepted but the stone the builders rejected becomes the Chief cornerstone beloved. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus. 




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