Prophetic Word: Sin Will Always Take U Further Than U Wanna Go Because Rebellion Is The Sin As Witchcraft Beloved, & There Is A Way That Seemeth Right 2 Man But It Leads 2 Destruction & Death

Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit walk the line when Johnny Cash started 2 fall into rebellion because of how he was never accepted by his dad and how we was abused & mistreated. And he walked away from his belief system becuz in the recording studio audition, they wouldn't accept gospel music. So he compromised instead & as he toured he fell deep into sin cuz of rebellion & almost found himself dead. He fell in love with June & she became his lover & mistress & eventually his wife in the end but he was also a drug addict & he couldn't function without his pills b4 every performance & it was slowly killing him. & as he became famous, his life became more transparent & his drug addiction became more obvious placing him in prison & the deeper he fell into sin, the deeper the hole of depression. And then I heard in the spirit. Sin will always take you further than you wanna go because rebellion is the sin of witchcraft[1Samuel15:23] & subborness as idolatry & iniquity beloved & there is a way that seemeth right 2 man but in the end it leads 2 destruction & death. [Proverb14:12] Thanku Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Although John Cash had been through trauma & an abusive situation, he wanderd off the path & turned 2 the world as a coping mechanism instead of Jesus. Because he compromised with his belief system if it meant getting a record deal he wanted. Speak Holy Spirit and as he toured and met new ppl who were not good 4 him, it got worse & John fell deeper into depression because bad company corrupts good character beloved.[1Cor15:33] and the other singers and musicians as bad influence introduced drugs and pressured him to take those pills like they did but then he became even more addicted. Speak Holy Spirit because sin will always take u further than u wanna go beloved becuz the heart is deceitful above all things & desperately wicked. My God speak Holy Spirit [Jer17:9] becuz the carnal mind is enmity against God & spiritual minded is life & peace but carnal minded is death. [Romans8:6-7] The word enmity in greek origin is echthra & it means hatred, being hostile with; in opposition. Mm & hostile means enemy or against beloved. Whoo!! And this is why you take every thought captive 2 obedience casting down imaginations.[2Cor10:5] Ppl who habitually use manipulation or intimidation 2 control others open themselves 2 the bondage & influence of witchcraft or a demon. Crucify the flesh & walk in the spirit becuz the flesh loves sin because a carnal mind is death & is at enmity with the spirit that dwells within. Speak Holy Spirit because the wages of sin is death & John was doing drugs & it was slowly killing him til he got clean an sober off it.[John10:10] June was trying 2 help when she noticed what was going on with him but rebellion is the sin of witchcraft & manipulation is connected 2 rebellion becuz rebellion is controlled by a spirit of destruction.[Proverb14:12] John kept manipulating her that he needed it & that they were prescriptions. And she would cry because she was losing her best friend & knew it was slowly killing him & he couldn't see that he had a problem becuz the wages of sin is death.[Romans6:23] I don't know who this is for baby but if you come back 2 Jesus, you will have peace again becuz God gives you a peace not as the world giveth but in the world you will have tribulation. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus. 




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