Prophetic Word: Stay Close 4 My Sheep Hear My Voice Beloved, The Grass Isn't Greener In The World Of Sin Outside The Fence
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. And someone must really need this. I kept hearing in the spirit the grass isn't greener beloved. And then I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit sheep wandering all over the place going outside of the pen and the shepherd kept calling them but they would not listen. And then I heard in the spirit My sheep hear my voice stay close to me beloved, the grass isn't greener in the world of sin outside the fence. Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. You're wandering outside of the pen because you're a sheep who hears his voice but you're on the fence. Some of the sheep this word is for have been through brokenness that led to rebellion. Speak Holy Spirit. But if were not careful there are dangers of the world outside the fence.[John10:10] Sheep have a tendency 2 stray and wander off like the Israelites wanting 2 go back 2 egypt mm and they need a good shepherd 2 protect them and many sheep when they wander off[Isaiah53:6] are in danger or killed off because sheep are in need of leadership. Speak Holy Spirit Because he sends us out as sheep amongst wolves that are hungry in sheep's clothing beloved. God handpicked shepherds with a proven record of obedience & trustworthiness in caring for their sheep 2 be the patriarchs & first leaders of Israel, most notably Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and King David. The annointing was on them. Speak Holy Spirit. Although Moses was the prince of Egypt, God was preparing him 4 the leadership role 2 lead the Israelites for the 40 year position. Mm baby the spiritual warfare you may be going through may not make sense but God's ways and thoughts are higher than ours and he knows what's ahead. Speak Holy Spirit. Like David a shepherd boy wrestling and fighting with bears and lions. Fire and tests are crucially important because being a good leader of God's ppl requires strength, humility and an uncommon love for Jesus 2 be trusted with such a position for such a time as this. Mm but Moses was in training unknowingly in Egypt & when he was ready, God appeared 2 him in the burning bush and gave him his kingdom assignment[Exodus3] and ushered him into the role of leading the Israelites 2 freedom. My God speak Holy Spirit because God knew the israelite sheep would wander and stray without moses' sheperd leadership. Just like so many sheep today tempted to go into the world of sin ignorant of satan's devices [2Cor2:11] becuz he is looking for someone 2 devour in the sheep's weakness.[1Peter5:8] Speak Holy Spirit. The grass isn't greener beloved. The greener pastures in the world is all an illusion of satans deception because when you're close 2 the shepherd inside the fence not of the world you are protected.[Isaiah54:17] The Lord is our shepherd, we lack nothing & he makes us lie down in green pastures & he leads us beside quiet still waters refreshing our soul beloved.[Psalm23:1-3] But when we wander stray and go into the world of sin cuz we are restless, we are lost in the wilderness and gone outside of our fence of protection. Like sheep, we are totally dependent on our Shepherd to provide our sustenance and he will supply all our needs beloved. [Phill4:19] I don't know who this is for baby but the grass isn't greener in the world of sin, do not be ignorant of satan's devices because that's when he attacks the sheep my luuvs when they are no longer under protection from the wolves outside the fence. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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