Prophetic Word: Wait Quietly On The Lord & See His Salvation, The Expectation Of The Righteous Shall Not Be Cut Off But Shall Be Met Beloved
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit a white dove hearing the whoosh sound of its wings in the spirit seeing the wings flap in slow motion. And then I heard in the spirit Beloved Wait quietly on the Lord and see his salvation. [Lamentations3:26] The expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off but shall be met beloved.[Proverb23:18] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. Youuuu my luuvs are waiting for something in this new season. You have high expectations that God is going 2 do something miraculous & change your situation but if you wait on him and walk in obedience, your expectations will not be cut short beloved. The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, 2 the one who seeks him[Lamentations3:25] Speak Holy Spirit. God is just waiting on you first 2 be in position 2 recieve it.[Hebrews11:1] You're waiting for your sign and confirmation. Noah expected 2 receive a sign from the Lord and the dove was confirmation if it did not return again, it was the appointed time 2 come off the ark as the storm reached its completion. Speak Holy Spirit. Wait only upon God for your expectation is from him.[Psalm62:5] Whoever this word is for beloved. Your life feels like a catastrophe flood and a mess. It feels like everything washed away from what its been[John10:10] but God is telling you 2 wait for him. Mm Wait on the Lord & see his salvation. For we know that God works out all things for the good of those who love him who are called according 2 his purpose.[Romans8:28] Speak Holy Spirit and he promises 2 turn it around again because He promises restoration.[Joel2:25] Whoever this word is for beloved you are waiting on God for something this season. Whether its something specific, restoration or waiting on that door thats about 2 open[Rev3:8] 2 step outside into your new beginning and purpose.[Ephesians2:10] Mm you are waiting on God's promise. You are waiting for the doors 2 open. Speak Holy Spirit. You are weary so rest in him becuz you are getting restless and you are waiting 2 be mounted up like the wings of the eagle again.[Isaiah40:31] because the higher the annointing the more spiritual warfare which has been intense. You are waiting patiently for a sign from the Lord like Noah waited for the dove 2 find land 2 come off the ark and new life 2 begin. Speak Holy Spirit. But don't get ahead of God and try 2 open the door if the storm is still going beloved. My God speak Holy Spirit don't open the door out of disobedience. Don't be so quick 2 get off the ark with surrounding waters of ocean for your protection. Whoo!! I prophesy over you in the name of Jesus that God will do it yet and he will mount you up with wings like eagles beloved & strengthen you all becuz you waited. I don't know who this is for baby but wait Noah for the storm 2 come 2 completion and wait on The Lord for the door 2 open and Wait quietly on the Lord and see his salvation becuz The expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off my luuvs but shall be met. Shalom. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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