Prophetic Word: You Emit So Much Light From Within, You Are Like A Moth 2 A Flame Beloved
Heyyy my luuvs. This is for someone my friend. I was organizing my office and these paperclips grabbed hold of these magnets. And I've been hearing moth 2 a flame in the spirit before that happened with my office and then after I heard this I went into a vision and saw in the realm of the spirit somebody's campsite and a camper set up and a tarp over a tent and whoever I'm seeing in the spirit there is a rope with clothes hanging 2 dry in the sun and there's a small wind. There is a rope tied from tree 2 tree wet swimsuits and trunks and wet beach towels hanging over it. And then the vision flashed and it was getting darker and kids were getting ready for bed. And one of the kids went through the screen door of the camper 2 go sit by the fire but it didn't latch all the way closed so it was still open. And I noticed in the spirit a couple moths and mosquitoes got in. And someone flipped on another light switch so then these kids saw it & noticed cuz the moths headed for it and they are screaming with a flyswatter in their hand kill it kill I'm hearing the kids say ewww lol in the spirit. And then I heard in the spirit You emit so much light beloved, it is like a moth 2 a flame coming in the camper of the screen door left open and you are drawing bugs, moths and insects 2 your light like a magnet drawn 2 the light switch. [Matthew5:14-16] Thankyou Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit talking 2 beloved. As soon as you shine so bright and emit light from within. You are like a moth 2 a flame of attraction and they cannot resist or stay away from you like a magnet attachment.[John1:5] These moths and insects are drawn 2 light even if you're dangerous in the spirit because there is no darkness in you at all because there is no darkness in your daddy beloved. My God speak Holy Spirit because you are not of this world but you are just in it [John17:6] just strange and peculiar 2 them. Speak Holy Spirit. Thus saith the Lord then all the ppl on earth will see that you are called by the name of the LORD, and they will fear you beloved.[Deuteronomy28:10] They won't try anything becuz your spirit intimidates and fears them but they're still just drawn 2 your light from a distance like a magnet.[John1:5] becuz they already know you are the light of the world and not 2 be messed with because of who your daddy is.[1Chron16:22] Emit in greek origin means, produce, give off; give out; 2 send so you are a light that illuminates a room with your presence because your light is not meant 2 be hidden under a basket. Light shines brighter in darkness. The light could be on when it's bright but it's noticed more in the darkness. My God speak Holy Spirit so whoever this word is for your light is being noticed. Baby you pull insects out of the darkness. Whoo!! You have ppl like a moth 2 a flame with intense attraction, maybe even secret admirers watching you from a distance. But these ppl are intimidated and they fear you because you belong 2 God beloved.[Deut38:10] & your gifts make them nervous because one of them is discernment and light isn't hidden & it exposes darkness. [Luke8:17] They cannot resist the light you shine from within. They are drawn 2 you like the moths were in the light camper and insects. Like a moth 2 a flame means irresistible attraction. Speak Holy Spirit because they are attracted 2 someone who is dangerous 2 them because our annointing on us doesn't tolerate unclean spirits and wickedness[Isaiah10:27] but they still have an irresistible attraction and strongly attracted to us beloved. I don't know who this is for baby but because you are a beacon of light that emits light frim within, all moths, mosquitoes and insects are trying 2 get in waiting 4 the screen door 2 open becuz you are like a moth 2 a flame with intense irresistible attraction. Shalom my luuvs. I love you with the love of Jesus.
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